31. You can bet my wand I was

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I was released the following morning. I had my uniform on and was heading out of the ward and down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I was met by Harry, Hermione, and Ron at the doors. "Isla, we are glad to see you are alright!" Hermione said, hugging me. "Thanks," I smiled. "Heading to breakfast? Can we walk with you?" Ron asked. "Of course." "How are you?" Harry asked after we started walking. "I'm all better, thankfully." Ron sighed, grateful. "I am glad, " he smiled, nudging my shoulder. "Everyone has been great. Even Professor Lupin visited me. " I knew Harry was close to Lupin, hence me bringing it up to him. I thought he may know something I didn't, and I was determined more than ever to solve this mystery. "Professor Lupin is a great man. He was friends with my parents. " Ah so the plot thickens, I thought. "Oh, he was? He was in Gryffindor, wasn't he?" Ron nodded. "Yeah, he was." She answered. "I wonder what he looked like back in school," Hermione added. That's it! I could find out more about when he was in school. "Hermione, I love you!" I laughed. "Umm, thanks?" she smiled, although she looked very confused.

We had arrived in the Great Hall by now. "Seriously, you have helped me think of something. You are a genius. " Ron rolled his eyes. "Yeah, we know it can be annoying," Ron laughed before waving and heading to eat. "We will see you around Isla," Harry smiled as he and Hermione walked to the Gryffindor table as well. I bet I could find pictures of old classes in the library. It was a long shot that I would find anything useful, but it was a start.

"What did Scarface want?" Draco asked, stopping beside me. "Oh, just to see if I was ok." Draco scoffed at this. "Be nice." I smiled before linking his arm and walking to our table. I let go and sat down, and as he sat next to me, I noticed he was blushing. Weird. "Actually, Hermione gave me a good idea. Want to go to the library with me after dinner this evening? I want to see if I can find something." I looked up hopeful. I really wanted to make up for lost time so I was hoping he would agree. "Anything for you," he smiled. "Great! It's a date. " My eyes grew wide, and he dropped his fork. "I mean...I mean, I didn't mean...I meant I will see you then." I wanted the ground to swallow me up. How embarrassing!

"Drakie," Pansy gushed, sitting on his other side. "When are we having another date?" she asked, glaring daggers at me. But she always stared at me like that. I was used to it, so I ignored her. "How many times, Pansy?" he started. "Leave me alone. We were never on a date and stopped telling people we are dating!" His voice was slightly raised, and he had attracted an audience. "But Drakie.." she started. "No, Pans, just leave it. I am not interested in you like that." She almost growled as she looked towards me. "This is all your fault Isla", she squealed. "Pansy, let it go already," Blaise said, sitting down opposite us. Pansy looked ready to kill. She gave me another glare before running off. I did feel bad for her. She was upset, and maybe it was my fault.

I got up and ran after her. I followed her out the front steps and watched as she sat down on the nearest bench sobbing. I slowly walked over and sat next to her. "Pansy I...". She growled again. "Don't!" she warned. "I'm sorry about what happened. I really am." I was being honest with her. I felt awful. I didn't like to think of anyone being in pain, hurting because of me. "No you're not!" She sobbed again and now I was getting frustrated. "Yes, I am! I honestly thought you were dating. I was happy for him...and for you." Her head snapped up to me. "You were happy for me?" She asked sceptically. "Yeah, why not? I know you and me never really got on Pansy, but you are a great person. I was pleased you had found someone." She looked down at her hands. "No one should feel alone. I was happy that you had someone to spend time with. Sure it sucked that we liked the same guy but it can't be helped. And I am sorry if I did anything to ruin your chances with him. It was never my intention. I was stepping back, giving you time to spend together. I honestly believed you were dating."

She said nothing for several minutes. Shocked more than anything I think. But finally, after a very long and awkward silence, she spoke up. "But I was always so mean to you. How could you be nice to me after all the things I said and did?" I shrugged and gave a chuckle. "Because I know that you are not that girl. I know you are a nice person. I have seen you be nice. And I know you asked after me in the hospital. You are not a mean person Pansy. You felt threatened by me and you reacted. It's natural. You weren't mean to anyone else." She looked up at me. "I really believed that you and Draco were in the first stages of a relationship."

His North Star.    *Complete*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora