22. He's Really Milking It

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The first few days of classes were quite uneventful. Nothing much happened besides looking out the windows to the sky only to be met with the sight of those floating creatures lurking around in the sky circling the castle. Dumbledore had announced at the feast that dementors, who it turned out were guards of Azkaban, would be patrolling the grounds. Delightful!

We were on our way down to Care of Magical Creatures, which was to be taking place at Hagrid's cottage. When we arrived, Hagrid led us into a paddock next to his home, telling us to open our books. Ah, the textbook we were assigned. The only book my dad didn't let me buy but insisted that he get owled to the house instead. This book it turned out was like an actual monster with teeth and everything. "How exactly do we do that?" Draco asked with an annoyed tone to his voice. "Just stroke the spine, of course," Hagrid replied. Shrugging, I stroked the spine of the book, and it gave a low grumble before falling asleep. I was able to open it, no problem after that. Wait to I tell dad. He had wondered how the book could be used.

Hagrid made us gather around him before giving a dramatic drum roll and introducing us to...well, I don't actually know what it was. A half-eagle, half-horse thing. Hagrid introduced him as Buckbeak before explaining he was a Hippogriff, not that I knew what that was. He called for a volunteer, and I took a step back pulling Draco and Layla's sleeves with me. I didn't want them going near that thing either. Everyone seemed to step back, but Harry. Wow, he was brave...or stupid. Hagrid explained that Hippogriffs were very proud creatures and could hurt you if they felt unsafe or insulted. "Sounds like you and the bird have a lot in common," I whispered to Draco who smirked and pinched my waist.

I watched as Harry bowed to the creature before reaching forward and petting him. Next, Hagrid grabbed Harry, placing him on Buckbeak's back before slapping his rear, causing him to take flight. I'm glad it was Harry and not me. It didn't look too safe. The creature did a lap of the lake before coming back down and landing. The class erupted into applause, myself included, while Draco scoffed again. He shoved his foot off the rock he was on and marched forward "Yeah you're not dangerous at all, are you?" he waltzed forward with a confident stride. I, on the other hand, was frozen in fear.

Did that idiot not hear Hagrid? He was a dangerous creature. Draco could really be a prat when he wanted to. He walked in front of the creature, snarling at it like he was disgusted. Buckbeak rose upon his hind legs, and I stopped breathing. Oh crap! "Draco!" I cried out.

The creature threw out his front legs, his sharp claws coming down on Draco's arm, which he had flung in front of his face in an attempt to save himself. I lunged forward to help. Sort of flinging myself on top of him to protect him. Draco rolled on the ground, moaning in pain. Hermione was standing next to me, pulled me to my feet, and grabbed my hand as a sort of comfort. "Oh, he's killed me. He's killed me," Draco groaned. Hermione stepped forward. "Hagrid, he has to be taken to the hospital wing," she stated.

"I'm the teacher, I'll do it," he exclaimed, scooping Draco up as if he weighed nothing at all. "You're going to regret this!" Draco cried, lying in Hagrid's arms. "You and your bloody chicken!" I was worried, but I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his remark. Typical Draco. I grabbed him and my bags and headed up to the castle after Hagrid. I stood outside the hospital wing as Draco was taken in and examined. I thought if I stood there long enough Hagrid would come out and I would see how Draco was. Snape, at one point, came bounding down the corridor. He smirked when he saw me before bursting through the double doors and into the wing.

It was dinner time now, so I knew I wasn't missing classes and could stay there as long as it took for me to find out something. After an hour, the doors opened, and Draco walked out with his arm bandaged and wrapped in a sling followed by Snape.

Draco gave his usual smirk when he saw me and grabbed his arm wincing. I didn't quite believe it was as bad as he made it look. "Now Malfoy you and Miss Howell get off to the dungeons. I will have dinner brought to you both. I must go now and write to your parents."

His North Star.    *Complete*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora