96. He Is Too Beautiful To Have To Work

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Unfortunately, the very next morning, I was brought crashing back down to reality. As we sat at breakfast the following morning, an owl I had never seen before dropped off a letter for Draco. He quickly put the letter in his pocket and stood up, making his way up to Snape at the teacher's table. I have no idea what he said, but the colour drained from Snape's face. He nodded to me. I knew it was time. I didn't have much of an appetite after that and was only able to manage a few sips of orange juice. "Everything ok, Isla?" Blaise asked, looking a little worried.

"Oh, she is just fine. Probably a little hung-over - hey lil sis?" Theo said next to me as he grabbed my hand under that table. "Just not enough sleep, I think." I managed to say. Blaise seemed to think this was a good enough answer as he got back to chatting with Layla. "It's ok, Isla. It will be ok." Theo whispered to me.

Draco sat back down next to us, and Snape arrived at the table. "Miss Howell. I have some prefect duties I need to discuss with you and Mr Malfoy. I know it is a Saturday, but I will need you both to stay behind after breakfast to discuss a few things." I frowned. "Yes, sir," Draco and I answered before Snape turned and walked away.

As the rest of the school filed out of the hall and headed for the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenvclaw Quidditch match, Draco and I made our way up to Professor Snape. "We will discuss matters in the Headmaster's office." We walked behind him. Draco grabbed my hand to try and offer me comfort. We knocked on the headmaster's door, and it swung open. We entered, and Dumbledore conjured my usual favourite squishy armchair to sit in. "Now I believe that you have been contacted by your aunt Draco? And she has told you the details of when they will be arriving at the school?" "Yes, sir," Draco answered as he pulled his letter out of his pocket and handed it to the headmaster to read, which he did.

"So they plan to come tonight. Well, in that case we haven't much time. I am heading away this afternoon to complete a job, which must be completed. I will leave it up to you three to get ready. I will inform the Order that I will be indisposed tonight and ask them to come and stand guard at the school in case anything should happen. I will have each of the heads of houses stay in their common rooms for the night as well as an extra precaution."

"Perhaps Severus, you should tell Slughorn you are feeling ill and ask him to stand in for you in the Slytherin common room." He nodded. "Yes, Albus, that is a good idea." He turned smiling. "Now Draco, I shall aim to be back for about eight pm. You should be in the Astronomy Tower for then. When I arrive back I will not be alone. I will have Harry Potter with me. I will have him hide. I want him to bear witness to what happens. It is vitally important that he does so." Draco nodded.
"Once he is hidden, I will cast a freezing charm on him so he can't interfere. You must wait until I have cast this Draco before revealing yourself. I want you to tell me that you were made to kill me by the Dark Lord. I want you to make sure you tell me that he had threatened to kill your family and Isla if you did not obey. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir, I do." He answered sadly. "Good man, Draco. Now, Draco, it is also vitally important that you disarm me. You must not forget this part. It has to be you who disarms me. I assume by that time that your aunt and her helpers will arrive at the tower. I will try to keep her talking. Enough for you Severus to make your appearance."

"Draco, you must let Harry see you lowering your wand. That is when Severus you will cast the killing curse at me. I need you to make sure that you remember everything I have just told you. We only get one chance to get this right."

Draco hung his head. "Yes, sir." Dumbledore turned to me. "Isla, as soon as you see the mark in the sky, which I know Bellatrix herself will want to cast. You need to keep you and Layla safe. As I understand it, you are taking Theo with you to your hideout?" I nodded. "Yes sir, we are." He smiled. "Good. You must not be seen by any of the Deatheaters. Do you understand? Once I am dead, the enchantments I have around the school will be broken, and you will be at great risk."

His North Star.    *Complete*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora