Chapter 22

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One week later...

Peter's POV

Gym was crucial today. Normally, we don't do much but today Coach decided to make us run. A lot.

Everybody in the locker room was sweaty. Some guys were desperately trying to wipe the sweat off their body with wet paper towels. Only the brave took showers.

I wasn't that brave. I wiped off all the sweat and reapplied my deodorant. Unfortunately, Wade was that brave and confident with his body. He walked in when guys started filing out. I was always one of the last ones out.

After I cleaned off and checked my hair for the millionth time I got my stuff together. I put my gym stuff back in the locker and slammed the locker. I began humming and picked my backpack up off the floor. I turned the corner to find the door to leave and ran smack into Wade.

Why does this keep happening?

It was worse this time. My face completely touched his bare, wet chest. My knees must have given out because he was holding my arms. "Peter? Are you okay?" He asked curiously.

I nodded but I already felt the heat rising to my cheeks as I tried to avoid his gaze. He did a low laugh, "We gotta stop meeting like this. I know its called talking face-to-face but you don't have to run into me."

"More like face-to-chest," I mumbled admiring how tall he was. I saw a smirk play out on his lips and I instantly looked away blushing red. "You know you like it," He grinned.

I kept my head down and walked around him, desperately looking for the exit. I swear I heard him laugh before I left. I practically ran out of the gym and to my next class.

~After School~

I dropped by my locker to get my Algebra book. I hadn't heard from Johnny all day. It's weird. He wasn't at lunch either. I sent him a number of texts but didn't get a response.


I turned around and saw Johnny. He had a fire in his eyes that I've never seen before. He came close and pushed my back into the locker. My breathing speed up because I've never seen him like this.

He lowered his head to whisper in my ear. "What is this I'm hearing about you and Wade?" He hissed. I was confused until I remembered my encounter with Wade in P.E.

"Nothing," I said blankly.

"Then why did someone tell me that you were all over him in the locker room. And something about him being half-naked?" His voice rose in fiery and it scared me. He was squeezing my wrist, pinning me to the lockers.

"It was nothing babe," I tried to lighten his mood or at least his grip on my wrists. "I ran into him on the way out the locker room. I kept my head down and walked passed him. It was nothing."

Johnny looked like he was trying to believe it. He sighed and released his grip on my wrists. I quickly pulled them into my pockets fearing he would grab them again.

"I'm sorry Peter its just...You mean a lot to me. I was hoping it wasn't true," he looked into my eyes and the coldness died down. His eyes were a soft blue now. I looked down and nodded.

"Yeah its not true," I reassured getting around him so I wasn't against the lockers. No one was in the hallway now and my locker was still open. I grabbed my book and slammed it shut.

I was ready to walk away when Johnny enveloped me in a hug. Despite how much he just scared me, he was still my boyfriend and his hugs are so perfect.

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