Chapter 39

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-spidey fight

Peter's POV

Okay, three hours left Peter.

Just stay calm.

Maybe I should go patrol. Yeah, that'll calm me down. My graduation ceremony is today. I'm nervous and anxious. I also have to tell my parents about Wade today.

This is too much.

I grabbed my suit out of my closet and tugged it on. I jumped from the window and flew with the breeze. I let the exhilarating wind hit my face before swinging back upward right before I hit the street.

This is so much better than staying cramped up in that tower. I did a few flips before spinning another web and turned down a different street.

"Wooo-hooo!!" I screamed and spun another line. After all my stress relieving fun, I noticed several police cars speeding in the opposite direction.

I changed course and followed them. And ambulance merged in line with them, heading to the same place. It was when we turned on 10th Street that my heart dropped.

It was Harry's apartment building. A man-witch with a green face was flying on some type of hovercraft.

What would you call a man-witch? A goblin?

I landed on one of the balcony's on the building and seemed to get his attention rather quickly.

"Spider-Man," he growled.

"I hope that's not your real face," I retorted. He was ugly but I think that's a mask... I hope.

He launched at me then. I dodged it and slung a web that caught onto his hovercraft. He started to fly around in circles trying to shake me off.

"That's okay if it is your real face! You'll find love one day!" I yelled up to him. I began climbing my web rope.

"I'm going to squash you like the bug you are!" he screeched back.

"Gee, haven't heard that one before." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes under my mask. Then I saw we were headed straight for a billboard.

"Time for me to go," I said and spun another web to a nearby building. I let go off the one that the Goblin was hauling me around on.


I turned my attention back to the street. A woman had screamed and people were fleeing their apartment buildings. I didn't understand why until I saw a growing mountain of sand.

"You've gotta be kidding me," I mumbled.

Turn around!

I snapped my head back around and saw the Goblin coming straight for me. I jumped off the building and went back onto the street to delay Sand Man.

"There is only one of you!" Sand Man insulted me.

"Not today," a man said.

It sounded like it echoed. It was a voice that I knew anywhere. It was the voice that used to recite math problems like a song. The voice that soothed me and put me to bed when I was young.

"It's Iron Man!" A woman yelled.

I was just as surprised as she was. Cheering erupted all around me. Cheering that I never received before as Spider-Man. I watched a the Quin Jet lowered itself to the ground. Captain America was the first to emerge from it.

"It's the Avengers!"

No, it was my parents. Why are they here?! I had it under control, right? Wrong. I really hope they don't notice that Spider-Man is really their lying, good - for - nothing son.

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