Chapter 38

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Peter's POV

"So have you told your parents?" Wade asked. We were now sitting on the rooftop talking about what we missed. Things change after three years.

"About what?" I said looking at him.

"Spider-Man," he said like it was obvious.

I looked down at the mask in my lap. The white eyes glaring in the sunlight. "No," I mumbled.


"I know," I sighed.

"How have you been keeping this from them?" He asked in curiosity.

"Well they were on my tail at first then uh-I had to uh-" I took a breath and spit it out. "I told them I didn't have powers anymore."

"What!?" He looked at me and his eyes widened.

"It was the only way!"

He got quiet and so did I. We both looked down at our hands. I decided to break the silence.

"I got into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology," I said.

"Was there ever any doubt?"

"And my graduation ceremony is tomorrow."


"I want you to come."

He looked up at me then. "Really?"

"Yes," I said up looking at him.

"As your friend or..?"

I didn't respond. I don't know what to say I just wanted him to be there. I had never told my parents about Wade and me.

"Peter?" He got my attention. "You didn't tell your parents about us either?"

I shook my head no. He gave am exasperated sigh that filled me with guilt. I've been putting this off for a while and I need to tell Dad and Pops.

"I'll tell them," I said.

"When?" It sounded as if he didn't believe me.

"Tomorrow. Right after graduation," I stated. I was going to tell them. I had to. He tapped his index finger to lips.

"I'll go." He said. I looked up at him and he repeated himself.

"I'll come to your graduation," he said smiling. I smiled back and scooted closer to him. He put one arm around me and I hugged his waist.

"Thank you."

We sat in a comfortable silence for a while. Then I remembered I had a family to get back to. I sighed and pulled away from him. He poked his lip out in a pout and I laughed.

"I gotta go," I said standing up. He got up to and placed his hands on waist.

"See you tomorrow?" He said. I stared into his beautiful eyes and nodded slowly.

"Where are you staying now?" I asked. I haven't seen his dad in a while. I think he moved to Japan.

"I earned a few bucks while I was...away. And I bought a small apartment not far from here," he said. He pushed a spare strand of hair out my eye.

I smiled at the feeling. I love when he touches my hair. I nodded and pulled my mask back on. He put his mask on too. I spun a web line to the next building and turned back to him.

"Oh, and Wade. Wash that suit. It smells like sweat and Mexican food," I advised.

He laughed and sniffed his arm pits.

"Is it that bad?" He asked.

"Yes," I laughed and swung off the building.

I made it back into my room but something wasn't right. My room door was wide open and my things were thrown everywhere.

I gasped at the mess. I ran to my closet and quickly changed to a Nirvana T-shirt and black skinnies. I shoved my Spidey suit in a box and pushed it to the back of my closet.

I ran out to the main hall. Is it the Hulk? What happened?

"Dad!!" I yelled. Dad and Uncle Clint ran out to meet me. They looked they'd been running for a while. "What is going on here??" I said alarmed.

Dad heaved a breath before answering. "We-" another breath, "Avengers Hide-&-Go-Seek."

I sighed in relieve that is was nothing bad. "Why are you out of breath?"

"We can't find Hank," Uncle Clint after he caught his breath.

"Hank?" I questioned.

"Hank Pym," my Dad filled in, "a.k.a. The Ant-Man."

"So? You can't find him because he's the size of an ant?"

"Exactly! It's cheating!" Uncle Clint yelled.

Suddenly a blue line crossed my vision and stopped next to Uncle Clint. It was a man with grayish silver hair and a blue, Adidas sweatsuit. It was a man that I have seen a few times before but never knew his name.

"I can't find him anywhere," he spoke with an accent that sounded Russian. He propped his arm up on Uncle Clint. He sent him a smile and I caught the smile Uncle Clint sent back his way.

"Jarvis do a full scan of the tower. Find that bastard," Dad said.

"On top of you, Sir." Jarvis responded.


Suddenly there was a flash of red light on top of Dad's head. A speck with a red suit on grew to the size of a full man and jumped on Dad's back. Dad was crushed onto the floor beneath him.

"Dammit Hank!" Dad shouted.

Pops jogged out from a different hallway and rushed to help Dad up. "Get off 'em, Hank!" Pops said pulling Dad up.

I just sat there wondering if everyone was going crazy in this tower. I have a crazy life, especially living here. But this is my family and I love them.


OMG so this chapter wasn't as long BUT DON'T WORRY! Because the last chapter is 2,000 words long ;)

I will probably be posting the LAST CHAPTER at the end of the week.


It'll be okay tho! I'm working on the sequel now and you guys will love it.

Thanks so much for loving this book and voting! You guys are absolutely marvelous and that's why I'm writing a sequel.

I have the title of the sequel.... but you'll have to wait for the next/last chapter to find out!


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