Chapter 3

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Tony's POV

Steve said yes! We're going to have a child! I'm so excited. I called Pepper right away. I'm glad I still have her after I left her for Steve.

"There's one more thing we need to figure out," I heard Steve say. I looked at him with my eyebrow cocked.

"Do we want a boy or a girl?" He finished.

I thought about it before replying, "Boy."

He smiled and asked, "And why is that?"

My mind was going everywhere but I still managed to answer the question with a shrug.

"Maybe we should just see?"

He laughed and nodded. I was going to ask him his opinion before the phone rang. I wasn't going to answer but Steve beat me to it.

"Hello? Oh, how are you Director Fury?" I rolled my eyes. He's always so polite.

"We're not coming in Fury!" I yelled.

"Yeah Tony just doesn't want to come in because we're looking to adopt," Steve said into the phone.

"Oh, really? Okay, we're on our way." Steve hung up.

"Steve, I don't want to go!" I whined.

"Shut up, Tony. Fury said he thinks we should see something. I think it's something about us adopting," he said.

"He better not tell us we can't. Because I swear-"

Steve cut me off, "He won't. I think he's going to help us."

I suited up into my armor and Steve got onto his bike. I customized one just for him. Yeah, it flies. I'm very proud. We flew up to the hellicarrier and they let us in.

"How nice of you to make it Mr.Stark," I heard Fury say.

"Well now that I'm here. Enlighten me." I responded.

"Follow me," he said and walked to his office. Steve and I followed and took a seat in front of his desk.

"I heard you wanted to adopt and I have someone in mind. Now, it's completely up to you two but here's his file."

He slid a folder over towards us. I looked at him then Steve before opening it. Inside was a picture of a boy that looked about eight. Steve took my hand in his.

"Meet Peter Parker. Son of a famous Oscorp scientist." Fury began telling us.

"Where's his parents?" Steve asked.

"They both died when the building went down. They were celebrating an accomplished experiment when everything went wrong."

"Does he have anybody else?" I asked.

"His aunt and uncle were also inside the building when it went down. We managed to save Peter in time but not without some..complications."

"What do you mean by that, Fury?" Steve asked.

"Peter has...special abilities-"

I interrupted, "Like powers??"


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