Chapter 8

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Steve's POV

I open my eyes to see Peter cuddled into Tony. I was holding both of them safely in my arms. They both looked so peaceful.

I didn't want to wake them. So I slid out of bed, quietly, and went to the kitchen. I began cooking breakfast when Tony walked in holding Peter's hand.

"Guess what Pops! No bad dreams!" Peter said running to hug me. I picked him up and embraced him. "That's great Peter!" I said after putting him down.

"Ooo breakfast! When is it going to be ready?" Tony asked. I laughed and finished up breakfast. They sat at the table talking about science stuff.

I plated our food and sat down with them. "This is really good," Peter said gnawing on his bacon. I smiled. "That's why I cook and not Dad," I said pointing to Tony.

Tony was about to make a smart comment when Peter spoke up. "Where's the bathroom?" He wondered. Tony twisted up his face at me before pointing to the hallway. I just laughed and winked at him.

"That hallway. Second door on the right," Tony said. Peter got up from the table and walked to the bathroom.

I stood up to start on the dishes. I picked up Peter's plate and ran some water over it. I felt arms around my waist and smiled.

"Yes?" I turned in his arms to face Tony. "I love you. Did you know that?" I leaned and whispered, "I love you, too." He kissed me sweetly.

I pulled back when I heard a whistle.    "Whoa you guys! I see you missed us a lot," Clint said walking out the elevator. "Hey, how was the mission?" Tony asked casually, still holding me. I moved from Tony's arms and he pouted.

I walked over to greet them. They had been gone for a week in Wakanda. "Met a friend," Natasha responded.

A man with long brown hair and scruffy beard stepped up. "The name's Logan," he said. "They call him the Wolverine in the field," Natasha spoke up. She walked over to the kitchen to get food.

I nodded my head in a greeting. Bruce looked through the fridge. "I'm starved," he said taking leftovers out the fridge. He usually is after a big mission. Being the Hulk takes a lot of energy.

"Then who's that?" Tony said pointing to a kid standing behind Thor. He looked slightly older than Peter.

"This is the child of Logan," Thor said in his booming voice. The boy stepped up but half of him was still hidden behind Logan. "I'm Wade," he said.

Peter walked out the hallway and hid behind Tony and I when he noticed the Avengers staring. Things went silent.

Clint spit out the drink he just poured. "What the hell?! I thought men couldn't get pregnant?" Clint yelled. "How long were we gone?! You guys had a kid!?" Clint ran on. He was throwing his arms up in the air like a mad man. Juice was everywhere.

"Shut up Clint!" Natasha stopped him. I felt Peter grip my sleeve. "This is Peter,our son," Tony moved out the way so they can see Peter.

Peter quickly hid behind me. "Aww he's so cute," Natasha said. "He's a bit shy. We still have to sign the adoption papers," I told them.

Wade stepped out behind his dad. "Peter?" Wade called out to him. How does he know Peter?

Peter slowly stepped from behind me. "Remember me? From school?" Wade questioned. I guess they go to the same school.

Peter had a look of recognition cross his face. He was still holding onto me so I don't think Wade is a friend.

"Hi Wade," was all Peter said. The room seemed to get quiet again before Natasha gave us the news.

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