Chapter 13

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Quick A/N !

So I put a picture of the laser tagging place above.

I'm going to try to use all 3 of their POVS in this story ;)

Comment and tell me how you like it!

Thank you for all the comments and votes so far!!

& the reason Wade and Peter aren't in school now is because  they're on break

Peter's POV

I've always wanted to go laser tagging.

I was a little nervous to hang out with Wade. We arrived at the place and I looked around. There was a lot of people.

There was some kids our age. Some were much older. I saw Wade staring at a group of guys for some reason.

Then I remembered...

"Um, Wade ? I don't know how to play," I told him, tugging on his shirt.

He looked down out at me. It's hard to believe he's only two years older than me.

"Don't worry. I'll show you," he said flashing me a smile. I shook my head but couldn't resist smiling back.

"How many games do you guys want to play?" Wade's dad asked. "Two!" Wade answered eagerly.

I reached into my pocket and took out the $100 my dad gave me. "Here," I tried to give it to Mr. Logan. "What's this?" He asked.

"My dad told me to give it to you so you don't have to pay for me," I pressed.

"Keep that for yourself, little man."

"Are you sure?" I looked at the money. He smiled and nodded. I put the money safely back in my pocket as Mr. Logan was called to the front of  the line .

"Okay, so. I'm going to tell you how to play," Wade pulled me out of line with him.

"Okay.." Why is he so close to me? I took a step back.

"We might be in teams or every man for himself. All you gotta do is shoot the vest or gun of your opponent," he explained.

"Then what?"

"Then you get points!" He laughed.

I smiled sheepishly. How does he keep doing that?

"Okay, so I got us a deal on two games," Mr. Logan said walking towards us. "The first one is in 15 minutes."

We waited on the bench for the next game to start. Wade was playing games on his phone. He even let me play some.

A bunch of people walked out of a dark room when they called for the next game.

"Wade?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Oh, hey! What's up man?"

I turned around slowly.

It was Flash.

"Why you hanging out with this geek?" Flash nodded towards me laughing. Flash was supposed to be leaving his game but he just had to insult me first.

I turned my back to them and walked away to my game. This is why I can't be friends with people. With Wade.

Because of Flash.

I walked into the dark room and listened to the rules. I put on the heavy vest and gun.

"Hey Peter!" I heard Wade call out. "Don't listen to him. You're perfect the way you are."

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