Chapter 6

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Tony's POV

Peter is an amazing kid.

We're walking through the park and he's telling us of all the kids at school. "-and then Flash threw it in MJ's hair! She was screaming and Flash got in trouble," he finished.

"Hm, Flash sounds like a bully," Steve said. I took his hand and laughed. "He probably didn't mean it honey," I told him.

Peter was walking slightly ahead of us laughing. He turned around and smiled at our linked hands. "Can we get some ice cream?" He asked sweetly looking back up at us.

I nodded. I was surprised when Peter asked Steve why we hold hands back at the helicarrier. I didn't lie to him and he doesn't seem to mind having two dads.

We arrived at the ice cream parlor in no time. "How much can I get?" Peter asked me politely. I almost laughed. He's just like Steve. "As many as you want, little man," I responded.

His eyes widened. "Two scoops of vanilla ice cream, please?" He asked the vendor. "No problem kid," the man said and began fixing the ice cream.

"You want something babe?" I asked Steve. "No thanks," he said with a smile. I shrugged and payed the vendor.

We continued walking through the park, enjoying Peter's storytelling.

"Who's ready to go eat?" I asked. "We already spoiled Peter's appetite-" I cut Steve off. "No such thing," I said and ruffled Peter's hair. He laughed and Steve sighed.

I called up Happy. "Hey Tony how's the park date going," I heard on the other line. I ignored him, " We're ready to go the diner now, Happy." He laughed, "Okay, I'm parked on 9th street. It's the closest I could get." 

With that, I thanked him and hung up. When I turned around I saw Peter chasing Steve. Steve was holding something and they were both laughing.

"Iron Man! Help! Captain America stole my ice cream!" Peter yelled. It's funny how we calls us by our superhero names. I laughed at them and yelled, "Get em Peter!"

Steve laughed and pretended to get tired so Peter could catch up. "Gotcha!" Peter yelled jumping on his back. I laughed watching Steve hold the cup out of Peter's reach.

"!" I heard Peter say. It was the one happiest moment of my life. Watching them play. Hearing Peter call him dad.

I grinned ear to ear. "Ok, come on my strong men. Let's go eat," I said. They laughed and I saw Steve was just as happy hearing Peter call him dad. He was smiling like he was at our wedding...

"Yay! I'm starving," Peter broke my train of thought. Steve gave him his ice cream and walked over to me. "He called me dad," he whispered in shock. "I heard," I said leaning up to peck his lips.

"Eww!" Peter cried. We laughed and watched the little boy cover his eyes. "Come on let's go eat," Steve said. Peter threw his ice cream cup away. He walked in between us as we walked towards the street.

He gripped our hands before stepping into the street. I smiled and looked at Steve. He nodded as if knowing what I was thinking. We swung Peter up and down and he giggled loudly.

"Again! Again!" He said loud enough for people to stare. When we arrived at the car I let Steve and Peter get in first. Peter was safely sandwiched between us when we pulled off.

"Where are we going?" Peter asked. "To the best diner in town," Steve responded. It was a good diner. It was also were Steve and I had our first date. I don't know, it seemed appropriate.

Happy stopped at the diner and we got out. It wasn't that long of a drive. The diner was also close to the tower.

We walked in and took a seat at a booth. Peter sat on my side with Steve across from us. Peter picked up his menu and began looking at it. He was even squinting his eyes at some words that he couldn't read.

"Hey guys!" Our usual waitress greeted us. "The usual?" She guessed. "Yes and what do you want Peter?" I asked looking at him. "Umm can I please have the chicken tenders and coke?"

"Of course," she smiled and took our menus. "Be right out," she said before winking and walking back to the kitchen.

My phone started ringing and I saw it was Pepper. "Hey buddy you wanna go pick a song at the old jukebox?" I asked holding out some change. He grinned and took the change.

He scooted out of the booth and ran over to the old machine. "Hello," I answered. "Hey Tony. I got the paperwork for some kids you might want to adopt."

Steve gave me a confused look and I mouthed "Its Pepper." His mouth formed into an 'o'. "Yeah, um we already found a kid. Thank you for the help though," I said in the phone.

I felt kind of bad but one look at Peter I knew it was the right choice. "Oh..ok. No problem," she said before hanging up. "What she say?" Steve asked.

"She had paperwork. But I told her we already had someone," I said simply. He nodded as our food was set in front of us. "Thank you," Steve said politely.

Hooked on a feeling began playing and Peter ran over to the table. "Hey! Don't eat without me," he whined. "Sorry kid," I said smiling.

He nodded and began eating his chicken. Steve and I had a burger and a shake. "So you having fun with us, Peter?" Steve said eating his fries.

"It's the most fun I've ever had," Peter said smiling. "I'm glad," Steve responded.

"So Peter..what do you think about having us as parents?" I asked him, finishing up my shake.

He sipped his coke before answering. "I really want to be adopted. It's like you guys came to my rescue. Your both really nice too," he admitted.

"Well then we'll adopt you, yeah?" I said. He nodded eagerly. "None of the kids understand me since I have powers. I feel like you guys will."

"We sure will try," I said pulling him towards me. He gratefully hugged back. 

I want to be the best dad ever for this kid. He deserves nothing less. He reminds me of me as kid. I could definitely use the support when I was this young.

I hugged him tighter never wanting to let him go.


Sorry this update took a long time !

But I had this whole chapter typed and it got deleted!



Comment and vote if I should continue !

I really like this story. There might be drama later ;)

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