Chapter 18

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4 years later...

Peter's POV

I hate high school.

I had friends back in primary school. No one minded my superhero dads. But now that we're in high school...they call us something.


I still had Harry. MJ started dating Flash and we got a new girl named Gwen. The worse thing was something that I thought would be the best thing.

Wade was back.

He became a mindless bully and we no longer talk. I can't deny that he's gotten muscular and really hot. 'Why couldn't things just stay like they were?' I thought while walking to lunch.

I sat next to Harry and began eating my school slop. It was only us at the table as we stared at some of the more popular tables.

Flash and Wade walked passed by our table. "Ew, Stark! Don't stare at me like that. Fag," Flash yelled causing a scene.

My face got red as Wade made eye contact with me. Everyone on our side of the cafeteria started laughing.

I put my head down on the table and tried to drown it out. I felt Harry place his hand on my back, but it was too late. I already wanted to cry.

"Flash, don't be mean." I heard a small girl voice say. "Hey Peter," someone said trying to get my attention.

It was MJ.

I put on a fake smile. "Hey, MJ. It's been a while," I said flatly. "I know. Um-" she handed me an invitation, "come to my party this Saturday? We can catch up on stuff."

I smiled and took it. I really don't want to go. "Thanks," I said. She smiled, "I hope you can come. Harry you can come too," she said looking his way.

She waved and walked off to sit with her girl friends. They all started giggling once she sat down. "You going?" Harry asked.

I sighed, "Only if you go." I looked at him as he started grinning. Oh no. "Ugh, Harry the things I do for you." He hugged me before thanking me seven million times.

He's always wanted this chance to be with the "popular kids". I watched him stare at his crush, MJ. Every guy has had a crush on her at one point.

Even me.

"You know she's still dating Flash, right?" He gave me a death glare for killing his dream. "I'll take her or Flash, shit." he admitted. I started laughing. Harry is also bi.

I haven't admitted to being completely gay because, I haven't had a crush on a guy yet. So, my dads don't know.  They don't know about the bullying either. Gosh, I need an adult to vent to.

The bell rang and we got up to leave. While I was going to my 4th period, I thought of the perfect person to talk to about my dilemma.


"Uncle Clint!" I ran out of the elevator to sit by him. "Just the man I wanted to see."

He laughed. "Of course. Who wouldn't want to see my sexy face?" He asked proudly striking a pose. I laughed. He's too funny.

"Um. Well.. I needed someone to vent to. An adult that's not my dads," I admitted looking around the room to make sure the coast was clear. "Okay, what's up?" He asked kicking his feet up.

"Um, well. I got invited to this party on Saturday,"


"With a bunch of popular people," I paused again.

"Go on," he chuckled.

"And I don't know if I should go because Wade will be there. But Harry wants to go since its MJ's party, even though she hasn't spoken to us in 3 years. Also, the whole football team hates us and calls us gay. Even though! I never admitted to that. They just figured since I had two dads-" Uncle Clint interrupted my long rant that was becoming blurred. My heart was racing for some reason.

He put a finger up, "Did you say Wade? Like the mutant that used to live downstairs and give you hugs all the time?"

I smiled at the memory. "Yeah, he's back from that mutant school in the hills. He hates me now and his pal Flash bullies me. Along with some of the other football team players," I said looking down.

"Oh, hell no. You need me to put an arrow in them?!" He stood up looking for his bow.

"No, no. It's fine," I lied but laughed at his eagerness to help. "Okay, but in all seriousness. Do you like guys? Or girls? Or...both? " He asked confused.

"I-I don't know. I've had girl crushes before, but never a guy. I think some guys are seriously hot, though." I covered my mouth as soon as the sentence left my mouth.

Uncle Clint laughed and said, "don't worry, buddy. I won't judge. I've already dealt with it, remember?" He said talking about my parents.

Oh, yeah. I wonder what that was like. I laughed at the thought. "Okay, thanks Uncle Clint," I said standing up. "No problem. So you going to that party?"

I thought about it before responding, "yeah, I'll go." He stood up to and embraced me. "Okay, be careful. Call someone if you don't feel comfortable." I hugged him back and smiled.

"I will," I said before letting go. I walked out of the living room looking for one of my dads. Dad is probably in the lab.

I walked downstairs and punched in my code. My dad looked up from a desk with his hair messy. "Hey, Peter. How was school?"

"Good," I lied like always. He doesn't have time to deal with my drama. "I was wondering if I could go to a party. With Harry," I added.

"Of course. Who's party?" He asked.

"Um- MJ's" I mumbled.



"Ohh the girl from a while back? I see what's going on here, " he smirked causing me to blush.

"Noo," I pulled my beanie down over my face. My dad laughed at my embarrassment. "It's okay, Peter. You can go to the party. Make sure you call me if something's not right."

I fixed my hair and smiled. "Thanks Dad. I will."


First...STOP BULLYING! I put a song called Hopeful by Bars and Melody.

It's a great song about anti-bullying created by a kid who got bullied himself. :(

Second... High school years for Peter and Wade!! A.k.a. Juicy drama!

Comment and tell me what you think! I love seeing them & some even make me laugh lol

Vote so I know that you still like this story. It's really fun writing this and I hope you enjoy!!

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