Chapter 34

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Wade's POV

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. Can you come over? I want to show you something," Peter said on the phone.

"You really think that's a good idea?" I asked. I didn't want to get him in trouble.

"My parents are at a meeting, pleasee. I'll disable the cameras and you can do your Deadpool thing and climb through my window," Peter planned.

"Fine. Give me 10 minutes," I said. I really did want to see him. He hasn't been at school the past week. I hung up and paced around my small room.

I pondered about if I was going wear my suit or not. I decided against it and jogged downstairs. My dad wasn't here. Not surprised.

I caught a taxi to Peter's street. Once I payed the man, I got out looking for a good building to climb.

If only we could fly.

I found a building with plenty of fire escapes and it was right next to Avengers Tower. Unfortunately, the tower had no areas I could cling on. There was only a balcony towards the bottom of the building.

I craned my neck in search for an open window that would be Peter's. I couldn't see up far enough, so I climbed.

I leaped onto one fire escape and pulled myself up. I kept jumping until there was nothing else to grab hold off.

There it is!

I craned my neck up and saw the open window. Really Peter? The top floor?

I groaned but noticed a drain pipe running down the side of the building. It was far from were I was on the fire escape. I'm going to have to jump.

I perched on top of the first escape railing. Once I got my balance, I slowed my breathing and counted to three.


I pushed off with all the strength my legs had and flew straight to the gutter. I slid down it some before grasping my hands onto it.

All the adrenaline pumping through my viens felt good. I grinned at shimmied back up the pipe. I saw Peter's window a few windows away. I leaped onto one of the windows and hung there.

Don't look down!

We probably look crazy.

I looked down as if by habit. The cars were like toys and the people like ants from up here. I snapped my head back up trying yo focus. It's not heights I'm afraid of. It's falling. I don't know if my healing factor can revive me if I splat.

I finally reached Peter's window and I pulled myself up and in. The room was empty.

Did we do all that to climb into the wrong room?

The walls were blue and there was a bed across from a big closet. There was also a desk with gadgets piled up on top of it. I walked to it and toyed with some of the objects.

"Wade?" I heard.

"Peter? Where are you?" I asked looking around. The room was empty.

"I'm in my closet. But not come in here!" He rushed the last sentence as if he knew about the step I took towards the closet door.

I stepped back and raised an eyebrow. What is he hiding?

"Peter, if you come out that door wearing lingerie I might just die." I warned. He giggled and my heart fluttered at the sound.

"No, no. That's not-. Just close your eyes," he said.

I covered my eyes with my hands. "Okay, their closed." I called out.

I heard shuffling then Peter's voice. "Okay, open them."

I pulled my hands away slowly and was amazed at the sight in front of me.

"Damn," I said in awe.

Peter was wearing a tight suit, like mine, but his was red and blue. The blue was on parts of his legs and going up his side. The rest was red with some sort of silver design.

Oh, webs! Those are webs.

"You really like it?" He asked through his mask.

The mask had white eyes. He looked so sexy. Then he took of his mask, his brown hair flying everywhere. I think he's the only guy I know that looks good with hat hair.

"I was wrong about the lingerie. This is way worse," I said looking him up and down.

A blush rose to his cheeks and I brought him close to me, chest to chest. He stood up on his toes and kissed my chin.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now," he admitted.

I grinned as he ran his finger across the stubble of my chin. "Since I just climbed to the 100th floor to come see you..." He laughed, "Can I ask you something?"

He nodded and looked up at me. "Go 'head," he agreed.

I placed a hand on his cheek and he smiled. "Ever since I saw you being taken away from me I realized I never wanted to feel like that again. First with Johnny then at the hospital. I want you all to myself, Petey. So I was wondering, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes!" He smiled ear to ear and hugged me. "But um-" he hesitated and pulled back.

"What's wrong?" My smile fell.

"Can we keep it from my parents? Just until the bullying thing is over? They're really stressed and I don't think-"

"Shh, it's okay. We can stay in the dark if you want," I replied only to make him happy even though I really don't get it. What's the worst that can happen?

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," he said beaming. "I haven't even told them about this yet," he gestured to his spandex suit.

"You haven't? When are you going to tell them?"

He walked away and threw himself backwards on the bed. "Ugh, never?"

"Petey, you know you have to tell them sometime," I said sitting on the edge of his bed.

"But they already don't want me to go out and fight. They'd be pissed if they found out," he said turning his head to look at me.

"Better late than never," I said smiling and taking his hand in mine. I interlaced our fingers and laid back on the bed next to him. We were quiet and everything just felt right.


It's not as long as other chapters but its what everybody has been waiting for!

I just wanted to upload this before I go back to school.

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Thankssss and byeeee!!

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