Chapter 37

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Peter's POV

"The police are now in pursuit. There is a report of a bank robber that is made of sand-"

I was watching the news in my room looking for stuff to do. I smiled when I heard the report and got my suit. I changed quickly and left the tower undetected.

I swung to the location of the robbery and the police were already blockading the bank.

"Hey, it's Spider-Man!" One of the cops with a megaphone said.

"Hey, how ya doin'," I greeted. "Can I borrow that?" I asked pointing to the megaphone. He nodded and threw it to me.

I caught it and turned back to the bank. The windows were busted out and the door flew open. A man in a striped green shirt stepped into the doorway holding bags of money.

I cleared my throat and put the megaphone to the part of my mask where my lips were.

"Hey Sandy! You wanna drop the bags and talk this out?" I said loudly through the megaphone. His body started getting larger as sand started to pool around him. He had a nasty snarl on his face.

"Guess that's a no," I shrugged and threw the megaphone up and behind me.

The Sandman suddenly launched his left fist forward in a wave of sand. I leaped up and spun a web line to the money bags. It attached to it and I yanked it over to the police cars.

I saw a policeman grab them and put it in his car before I was knocked of my feet. My head hit the concrete and I groaned.

"Spider-Man," he spat, "the wanna-be-Avenger."

I struggled to get up with my feet stuck in the sand. His words got to me but I refused to let it show. He turned back into a man and appeared above me.

"I think you got a little crust in your eye. Let me help you with that," I joked and shot him in the face with webbing. He flinched back, clutching his face. I took this opportunity to stand to my feet and retreat to the rooftop.

When he opened his eyes he looked around before seeing me standing on the roof. He melted back into a pool of sand. The sand started running up the building towards me. I sighed with exhaustion. How do you beat sand?

"Spider-Man! Can you draw him away so we can save the hostages?" It was a police man talking into the megaphone.

"Oh, man. I wish there were two of me. Is there a superpower for that?"

"Ah, yes. But there are two me," the Sandman said. Sand dripped from his arm to make another human figure. It was another him.

"Oh shi-" I was cut short by a punch to the face and stomach. I was near the edge of the building and nearly fell off. The second Sandman had fled back to the crime scene.

"He's going back for the money and hostages," I thought.

I swung off the edge of the building, that I almost fell off of, and arrived back at the bank. There was a Sandman there holding a hostage. The other Sandman was protecting him, probably about to rush the cops.

My mind froze and I didn't know what to do.

"Who on Earth is that!?"

I looked up to where every was staring. A figure was standing on the roof of the bank but disappeared the second I saw it.

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