Chapter 4

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Steve's POV

I held onto Tony's hand tighter. Do we really want to adopt a kid with powers? That could be very dangerous.

My mind started to drift off thinking about what it would be like. "Steve? Are you listening?" I heard Tony ask. I snapped up to attention seeing that Fury pulled up a hologram.

I don't know much about technology, but I think that's Peter. Fury began talking again, "Like I was saying, Peter was bitten by one of the radioactive spiders they were using in experiments. So far, we've noticed that he has spider-like qualities-"

"You mean he can spin webs?" I asked confused. Tony jumped up leaving my hand empty and cold.

"That's incredible!" He said and started examining the hologram closer.

Sometimes I wonder how I married a man of science when I hate to even use a smart phone. I stared at him as he started speaking his science talk. I caught words like "DNA changing" and "dead".

I stopped staring at my husband and stood up next to the other two men. "So what we got here, honey?" I asked Tony.

Tony smiled and said "At this rate he should reach his full potential powers at 16."

"Can him?" I asked and looked at Fury. As he was about to answer when Agent Coulson walked into the room. Tony and I exchanged glances.

"Director, the kid is here." Coulson said.

"Why? Did he have another incident?" Fury sounded confused. I looked between the agent and director. What was wrong?

Tony seemed just as interested.

"What's going on? Is it Peter?" Tony took the words right out my mouth. Coulson seemed confused about why we were asking.

"Yes," Fury answers, "he goes to school and lives in an orphanage but when he has an..incident. We bring him in."

"Can we go with you? We really want to see him." I said.

"That might not be the best idea," Coulson started.

"Well, we're wasting time! Someone lead the way!" Tony spoke up.

Coulson and Fury exchanged looks before Coulson turned and left. Fury walked past us and said "Follow him."

We all walked through the helicarrier to the west wing. The three of us following closely behind the agent.

We arrived at what looked like a test lab. For the first time since I found Tony, I had a flashback. It was quick but I saw myself on the over side of the glass.

My small figure, being stabbed by needles and injected with a serum. Emerging from a tube feeling taller.

If that's what this kid is going through, we have to get him out of here.

Behind the glass is now Peter. He looks scared. I looked over to see Tony staring at the kid with love in his eyes. But he also looked shocked.

A person in a lab coat came up behind Peter and spoke to him. I couldn't hear him because of the glass. The man in the lab coat did a thumbs up towards the tinted glass.

Peter pressed his body against the wall and began to crawl. He was climbing up the wall like a tree. "Wow," Tony whispered.

I couldn't believe it either. The boy was now sticking to the ceiling. Could me and Tony really handle a kid with powers like this?

My thoughts were interrupted by a bang. I looked to see Peter on the ground, which was covered with mats. Tears were sliding down his cheeks.

I haven't even met the kid but I already know there's a place in my heart for him.

The man in the lab coat led Peter out the room we were starring into.

"What the hell was that?" Tony asked surprised. "Why did he fall?"

"You said it yourself Mr.Stark. Peter will not reach his full potential until he's 16," Fury said calmly.

"Can we meet him now?" I asked.

"Come back tomorrow. He's a little shaken right now," Fury responded.

Tony grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards north wing where are transportation was at.

I gave Fury a slight nod before following Tony.

When we got home it was later than I thought. I pulled Tony to bed, forcing him not to go down to the lab. I stripped my clothes off down to my boxers, waiting for him to do the same.

When he was done I pulled him down on the soft king sized bed. I cuddled him since he was still stiff from so many nights awake.

"What do you think about Peter?" I said after a short silence.

"His powers are extraordinary. Even for a kid-"

I interrupted him, "Not just his powers, Tony."

He turned around in my arms to face me. "I think he needs us just as much as we need him."

I smiled in the soft light of his arc reactor. "So we're going to adopt him?" I questioned hoping he would say yes.

"Yes, I want to adopt Peter Parker. I think we're the best parents for a child with his abilities. He even looks like he could be our child," he said.

It's true. Peter had brown eyes and hair like Tony. His skin tone is close to mine and he is very small like I was. I couldn't wait to meet Peter tomorrow.

I noticed Tony had drifted to sleep. I decided to go to sleep thinking about being a dad.


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