Chapter 27

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TW: sorry we'll be done with Johnny soon
-mention of sexual abuse

Harry's POV

I just started my shift at F.Y.E. in the mall when Peter left.

"Are you serious? You should have stayed. I haven't seen your parents in forever," I complained.

"I know. I'm sorry but I saw Wade and-"

"It's fine. I know you're going through some things," I remember telling him on the phone.

I was stocking movies on shelves when I heard a familiar voice.

"Was he a virgin?" The shorter boy asked.

"Oh definitely dude," Johnny said and they laughed again.

I tried to contain my anger as they kept talking about Peter. I calmly walked to their isle but got their attention.

"Hey Asshole. That's my best friend you're talking about," I said causing them all to look at me.

Johnny rolled his eyes. "It's my boyfriend," he responded.

"Why are you still with him? It's not like you like him," I said frustrated.

"Oh but I do," Johnny grinned. He took a step towards me making me look up to meet his eyes.

"You sick bastard," I growled.

"So? What are you gonna do about it?" He teased.

"Well, I could just tell his parents. They are super heroes, you know?" I threatened.

Johnny looked back at his boys and signaled something. They turned and left. No one was in the isle now.

I was confused until suddenly Johnny took another step towards me and grabbed a handful of my hair. He pulled it back so my neck was exposed. He placed his hand over my mouth so my startled yelp was muffled.

Is no one seeing him abuse me right now?!

"Peter's parents aren't going to find out," he whispered in my ear.

"Or what? Maybe I already told them," I retorted.

"I can make your life miserable, Harry."

"I'm not scared of you," I said even though my neck was starting to hurt like this. He trailed his finger down my exposed neck causing me to shudder.

"You gonna hurt me too?" I whispered in a small but deadly tone.

"No, honey. That's not my job-"

"Why are you so disgusting?" I said trying to pull out of his grip again. He gripped my hair tighter and my head began to hurt.

"You'll get yours," Johnny smirked before withdrawing from me. I watched him gather his boys and leave the store.

I admit. I wanted to now what he was up to. I refused to get scared. I forced myself to keep working.

Tony's POV

"Did you notice how Peter was acting in the car?" Steve said when we got to our bedroom.

"You mean when you were asking him all those questions about his boyfriend?" I said.

"Yes. Maybe they broke up?!" He gasped. "Tony, do you think they broke up?"

I rolled my eyes. "Steve. Baby, you have a habit of annoying people with your game of 100 Questions."

"But that's our boy," he said snaking his arms around my waist. I smiled and leaned back into him. "Please, just go check on him."

I groaned. "Why can't you do it?"

"I really don't think he would talk to me. Pleaseee," he begged.

"Fine, fine." I said removing his arms from me. I walked out the door and towards Peter's room. Now that he's older he has signs on his door like Keep Out.

I reminded myself that it was just a teenage thing and entered the room. Peter was at his desk and he changed into a T-shirt.

"Hey Peter. What's up?" I started.

"Dad! Don't you knock??"

"Whoa, I'm sorry." I said holding my hands up in defense. "What's the big deal?"

"Just go away," he mumbled. He was sitting at his desk on the opposite side of the room. His back faced me.

I stepped into the room, "Peter, what's been going on with you?"

He didn't turn around and I took another step towards him.


No response.



"Peter Rogers Stark! If you don't turn your ass around and look at me," I said getting annoyed.

He spun around in his swivel chair and he was sitting cross legged. He looked just as annoyed as I was but with red eyes. He was sitting on his hands and he didn't speak.

"Aw, Peter. What's wrong?" I changed my tone to sympathetic.


"You've been acting funny since we've been home. Did something happen while we were gone?"


"Peter," I warned.

"I'm scared, alright!?"

I was taken aback by his sudden anger. "Scared of what?"

A tear slipped from his eyes as he removed his hands from under him. His wrist were now visible with bruises around them. He also had bruises on his upper arm.

I gasped and he was squeezing his eyes shut so he couldn't see my expression.

"Peter," I whispered in shock.

He ran into my arms and cried. And cried. And cried.

Steve came in an instantly joined our hug. "What's wrong?" He whispered.

"It wa-was J-Johnny," Peter cried.

That's all it took.

I was beyond pissed.

I pulled away from our group hug and headed for the door.

"Dad! Dad wait-don't," Peter cried but I was already on my way to the lab.

"Jarvis, get me a suit."


I rewrote the last few sentences of this because it deleted :/

Including my A/N

But thanks for commenting and voting !


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