#5: Lost [Jungkook]

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I still believe even though it's unbelievable.
To lose your path
Is to find that path.


BTS [Lost]

19th August 2018

The metropolitan city of Tokyo was divided into 23 wards known as districts and each district was famous for a distinctive characteristic of its own.

Initially, we had planned to stay in Tokyo for a couple of days till we got our traveling documents but then we decided it would be a great loss if we missed out on traveling Tokyo. Hence, we decided to stay a week and see around.

It's already been four days but Tokyo never failed to surprise, with every day being a new adventure.

On the day we landed in Tokyo, Jimin and I stayed the night in a hotel in the Koto district, which happened to be near Kim's private base.

However, the delivery of the documents was delayed so we decided to go around and see Koto. Since both of us were pretty much new travelers, we had no idea where to start sightseeing.

So we searched up and ended up renting a couple of bikes to ride around the area, as well as looking around at the famous sites.

By evening we had pretty much seen most of Koto riding on bikes under cherry blossoms, even though I was tired It was worth it.

The feeling of not belonging was weird but I relished in it, when walking amongst the crowd I only thought about how here no one cared about who I was and what I was doing.

I could be myself.

That same night we got our documents and moved towards central Tokyo by train where we stayed in a capsule hotel around Korea town.

The next morning we visited Shibuya's two famous shopping divisions Ginza and Harajuku, one known for luxury shops and the other for trendy shops.

Followed by a trip to Akihabara electric town which was famous among anime fans for its wide collections of fan marches.

On the third day, we visited Asakusa's famous Sensoji temples and the Tsukiji fish market. And today in the afternoon we went to the famous Mori tower to look at the city from the 52nd floor.

Standing up there I had thought about the millions of people living in Tokyo. And how no one knew where they would be tomorrow.

Wondering if there were more caged birds like me who longed to be free.

And I felt like I could do this for years like time had ceased to exist in these crowded streets.

Was this what freedom felt like?

Tokyo was definitely out of this world, with every district beholding a new wonder. It was evening and the lights were turning on as the sun sank, and the city of Tokyo woke up.

We walked in the surprisingly calm and ordered throng of people on our way to meet Taehyung. I couldn't help but feel like I had entered the 2050's. Everything was surreal, from the huge 3D cat billboard meowing at the pedestrians below to the colorful neon lights and the giant Godzilla head, that marked the famous Godzilla gate road.

I was busy trying to capture everything in my new phone, which was already showing the low storage warning.

Jimin's eyes were fixed on his phone too but because he was looking for directions of the restaurant Taehyung had sent us a link of, a black bucket hat covering his brown hair.

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