#9: Letter [Part-I]

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"Will you still be the same
even if some time has passed?
Like the first time we met,
If we were together,
even the desert could turn to a sea."

Jimin (Letter)

June 13, 2008 (10 years ago)
Tongyeong-si, Korea


"I am going to fail." I said into the phone, my voice sounded so exhausted even to my own ears. I lay my head against my economics notebook.

"You won't, Jimin." Taehyung's voice came through the speaker. "I mean if the class president is talking about failing, there's no hope for students like me. You're just overthinking."

I let out a sigh. I knew I was overthinking and being paranoid. I got that way during exam season. My head felt heavy, and I was beyond exhausted but I still had so much left to cover.

Being a perfectionist sucked.

"Have you eaten yet?" Taehyung asked after a moment of silence. And it was only then that I realized I had forgotten to have dinner and when I lifted my head to check the time, I discovered it was almost close to midnight.

My eyes went wide as another realization hit me -

"Oh no," I whispered, "Jungkook."

"What happened to him? Is everything okay?" Taehyung asked, concern evident in his voice.

"I was so stressed I forgot to do groceries and cook dinner. Oh my god, jungkook must be starving!" I yelled as I hurriedly said goodbye to Taehyung and ended the call.

It had been almost six months since Seokjin's cousin had moved in. He was very shy and did his best not to disturb me. Normally I got home early and by the time Jungkook got back I was already asleep.

So I had assumed he would be using the kitchen to cook like a normal roommate. But Jungkook wasn't normal and I only found out a few weeks later that he couldn't cook and had been scourging meals from Seokjin or ordering take out.

Ever since I had started cooking for both of us.

I normally left Jungkook's dinner in the microwave. But today when I had gotten home I was in my exam season paranoia and during exam season I often skipped meals. It had completely slipped my mind that Jungkook would be waiting for dinner and what was worse, the pantry and fridge were completely empty this morning.

And I knew my new roommate didn't know how to do groceries. Thinking so I didn't dare waste another minute, quickly grabbed my wallet and jacket before hurrying outside.

But I stopped abruptly when I stepped into the living room. Jungkook was curled up on the sofa, with only a single lamp in the corner dimly lighting the room.

He had a notebook in his hands and he seemed to have been writing when he was startled by the sound of my door opening. With his doe eyes blown wide he let out a surprised yelp before he stared in a little disbelief.

"Jimin hyung...you're home?" Jungkook mumbled, voice trailing away at the end. "I was waiting for you..."

"Waiting for me?" I was puzzled.

Jungkook didn't answer and only pointed in the direction of the keyholder beside the front door.

"I didn't see your keys and shoes so I thought you weren't back yet." Jungkook explained, his gaze going everywhere but looking at me. "And Seokjin hyung said you often stayed late at the library during your exams."

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