#14: Blue & Gray

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I just wanna be happier
Melt me, I'm cold
I've reached out my hand countless times
The echo is colorless

BTS (Blue and Gray)

[2 years ago, 2016]
Seoul, South Korea

“Have you heard from Jungkook?"

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“Have you heard from Jungkook?"

Jimin looked up from his bowl of jajangmyeon at Taehyung, who was sitting across from him.

They were at his apartment, sitting on the floor and eating. Jimin was still in his work clothes, having just returned because his best friend had called him and announced he was waiting at Jimin's apartment demanding they go shopping and watch a movie.

Jimin had been busy but he'd squeezed out time for Taehyung who'd returned from Japan for a short stay of a week. So he clocked out early after rescheduling his meetings.

He turned back to his bowl of noodles, stirring the chopsticks in the bowl aimlessly, his appetite gone.

“I don't remember. A few weeks?" Jimin chewed on his chopsticks. "He hasn't been answering my texts or calls so I stopped by the company HQ a week ago I think. They said he was in a board of directors meeting and booked for the whole day.”

Taehyung sighed. “I called him a few times too but he didn't answer."

Jimin felt the familiar anxiety curling up in his stomach. He put down his chopstick and poured himself some soju, downing the shot in one go and pouring himself more.

“Woah, woah slow down. It's only past  afternoon, too early to get drunk, no?" Taehyung said gently, taking away the bottle from him.

"I don't understand him sometimes,” Jimin whispered. "He doesn't like working for his parents. Did everything he could to change that fate and not end up like a dog working for the company. So why is he doing this now? What will he get out of becoming a workaholic?”

"I could ask you the same thing, Mr. Park Junior. What do you get out of throwing yourself into work ‘for your parents' company’ and lying to yourself?”

Jimin glares at Taehyung, annoyance creeping into his voice, “I am not lying to myself, okay? Ever since the very start, I knew I would work for my parents. I didn't put myself through hell starting as an intern because I was lying to myself, okay? I worked to earn my position.”

Taehyung only gave Jimin the smile that annoyed him to no end. Like Taehyung knew better.

“By lying to yourself I didn't mean lying about that. And you're very much aware of what I meant. Avoiding won't work, Jimin."

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