Prologue: Wedding Day

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The wedding venue was beautiful.

In the huge garden there were all kinds of beautiful flowers; hanging from the wooden pole were thick strips of white translucent material that formed a canopy of some sort.

Underneath the canopy were three long tables with chairs on either side; above each table were crystal chandeliers and beneath it on the tables were delicate glass jars filled with blooms of white roses, daisies, hydrangeas, and tulips.

Standing right in the middle of the garden was a beautiful couple dressed in expensive-looking white suits. This beautiful couple was none other than Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon, who looked calm and collected despite the sudden unexpected situation that had arisen.

Though the situation was quite expected, even though Mr. and Mrs. Jeon would like to think otherwise.

This wedding hall was prepared for the wedding ceremony of their only son, Jeon Jungkook, who was also the heir to one of the biggest businesses in Korea.

The grand wedding was scheduled for tomorrow, to which many famous people were invited.

But Jeon Jungkook had run away in the very critical moment.

"So let me see if I got this right," Mr. Jeon began speaking in a dangerously calm tone with an ice-cold smile on his handsome face, "You went to wake up Jungkook because he was taking longer than usual but you didn't find him in his room. His passport, car, and other stuff are still here, although there was your whole professional team of guards on the watch, Jungkook still managed to escape without any of you knowing and you couldn't manage to keep an eye on a single boy?"

"Y-yes sir," The head of security bowed his head trying to stay composed in the aura of dominance that Mr. Jeon imitated.

"48 hours." Mr. Jeon said softly and the man looked up at the tone, surprised and afraid.

"Pardon me?" the head of security stuttered.

"Find Jungkook in 48 hours or you are fired." Mr. Jeon said without turning back, starting to leave with Mrs. Jeon following.

The woman helplessly sighed, somewhat worried, but smiled brilliantly the next moment as her eyes met the couple that had just arrived.

Together the Jeon couple sauntered towards their son's to-be-in-law.

As the saying goes, birds of the same feather flock together. The couple who had walked in was none other than Chan Lee and his wife, the founders of the famous PQ entertainment.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee were also beautiful people but while the Jeon's had a natural beauty.

The reason for Lee's beauty was their wealth.

"So? Where is he?" Mr. Lee asked with a forced smile.

"He had to leave for some meetings in Incheon. Some emergencies have arisen so we would like to push back the wedding date by a few days." Mr. Jeon lied with an equally forced smile.

"He better be there in a few days." Mr. Lee said with poison in his voice but a smile on his lips.

”Of course he will be there.” Mrs. Jeon responded, smiling charmingly.

The couple stayed for a few more minutes before they took their leave, gracefully turned around, and left the wedding venue.

Mr. Jeon kept his gaze fixed at the couple even after they disappeared, deep in thought only looking away when he heard Mrs. Jeon's phone rang.

"Yes? Really? Around Incheon? Isn't that interesting? Notify me when you find more on this matter." She ended the call while looking at her husband with a glint in her eyes.

"Who was it?" Mr. Jeon asked, curiously, Mrs. Jeon linked her arm with her husband as they started towards the exit.

"Mr. Kun, from the city bureau.” Mrs. Jeon replied, "He ran away with that scoundrel son of the Park’s."

"What?" Mr. Jeon was surprised. "What was his name ji- Park Jimin? The son of Park Hyun-soo? The guy who is Jungkook's so-called best friend?"

"Yes." Mr. Jeon answered as they sat down in the black BMW, "According to the source Jimin was at odds with his parents because he was also arranged into marriage and I think they must have both decided to run away together. I just got notified that they were both sighted on the around Incheon."

"So that means they must have left Seoul by now." Mr. Jeon predicted.

"Yes, they were most likely heading towards Incheon and if I am not wrong they will try to leave the country." Mrs. Jeon answered again, as she started to check her emails. "But don't worry we will find him, at the end of the day he has to come back to us, right?"

Its my comfort story one that I have been wanting to publish for queit some time but I dont want to it to be neglected. So please show lots of love to it. 😍

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