#7: Spark [Jimin]

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"When I needed you,
when I was lost out in the dark,
You were my spark."

Blanke [Spark]

4 days ago:
15th August, 2018

Pink cherry blossoms hovered in the air, on either side of us as we rode along on our bikes. People walked along on pedestrian walks and the atmosphere was full of the bustling sound of locals conversing in fluent Japanese and the honking of vehicles.

Yet to me it seemed like a scene out of an anime movie, it seemed unrealistic.

"It's pretty," Jungkook mumbled beside me and I nodded turning my head to look at him as his eyes did that thing, where they glittered with stars whenever he was fascinated by something, his lips curved up in an ethereal smile.

"Yes, it's pretty." I agreed.

Tokyo was still hot and humid with slightly overcast skies. And it was already getting hot.

There were bits of cherry blossom petals sticking to Jungkook's now damp with sweat hair. But I didn't point it out because it looked hilarious to me.

And cute.

After riding for about 15 more minutes and Jungkook insisting to record me as I rode through the cherry blossoms, (which took about 10 different takes before it satisfied him) we finally stopped for a drink by the foot of what seemed like a shrine.

Jungkook parked his bike and walked over to the white tourist board while I sat down on the stone path in the shade watching him and drinking some flavored tea.

Sometimes I was surprised by that never-ending energy Jungkook had.

"Jimin-ah, let's go to the shrine," Jungkook called from where he was standing by the board.

I pretended not to hear him over the bustling of people, continuing to keep my attention on my phone when he called me again after coming closer.

"Jimin. Jimin-ssi. Hyung-nim." Jungkook kept calling me and I pretended to ignore him.

"Hyung, please?" He said cutely when I accidentally glanced up and I knew this was it.

"Fine!" I stood up, albeit a little reluctant, "Just stop giving me that look." I sighed in defeat as we guided our bikes over by the stands.

Jungkook only laughed in response.

That brat.

The shrine was full of bustling people of all kinds, both the locals and tourists.

Red Japanese lanterns and a stone staircase were leading up to the main wooden gate of the Jishu shrine.

I had no idea what the temple was for but thankfully we found a shopkeeper selling charms who could speak Korean.

"Jishu-Jinja Shrine is the oldest shrine in Kyoto for gods of love and relationships." The man told us, "People usually come here looking for blessings for their relationships or to wish for one."

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