#12: The Truth Untold [Jungkook]

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I'm crying. Disappeared, Fallen
Left alone in this sandcastle
Looking at this broken mask
I still want you.


BTS (The Truth Untold)

[Esordio, Italian Alps]

[Not proofread :( ]

When we got back to the cottage the sun was sinking. I had curled up on the couch, camera cradled in my hands as I browsed through the videos.

It was all Jimin. Sitting with Fabio, holding his son, standing in the sun.

At this point I wasn't even surprised. It had become him at some point, all I could see, all my gaze seemed to seek.

I looked up when I heard Jimin clear his thorat. I powered off the camera and sat up.

"I... uh I wanted to give you an update on how things are back home." Jimin said as he settled onto the other end of the couch

I nodded, lowering my gaze and fiddling with the camera.

"According to my informer, my parents have an idea we might be in Italy. Apparently someone from the company saw us and recognized me. So they're looking for us in Rome."

My head snapped to his. A little note of desperation escaped me as I insisted, "But no one will find us here. I don't want to travel again soon please."

I don't want to head back just yet.

Jimin nodded, rubbing his hands on his knees. "They shouldn't be able to."

I frowned, hearing the unsaid but.

"Still," Jimin continued, "Just in case they do find us. What should be our next course of action?"

My heart sank a little. Why did I feel like Jimin was trying to skirt around whatever he wanted to say.

"We'll go somewhere else, right?" I asked.

The sun had faded and the sky was dark outside the sliding glass doors. Somewhere a tree branch was rustling.

Jimin was silent.

"If you want to. But I -"

"Jimin, out with it."

Jimin shifted and he exhaled, "Its just we can't keep running forever. We'll need to go back at some point."

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