#1: Run away [Jungkook]

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"In moments like those
when tears fill your eyes
hold my hand tight.
Should we run away?"

TXT [Run away]

12 August 2018

My longing for freedom was like that of a caged bird, I could watch others drift in the wind and reach boundless destinations, but I would always be a confined bird, born and bred. And in the end, I could only watch.

While I longed for freedom I had never tasted it, never spread my wings to fly that was until I was pushed to the very edge and forced to jump off the cliff only to find that I can indeed fly.

It was just that I had always been too afraid to try.

When I came back home from the office, it was already late; half-past eleven at night. My back ached and my head hurt. I had been working for more than 16 hours without much rest partially because I had not wanted to think about tomorrow.

The house was cold and lifeless and there was no one in the huge Jeon mansion to greet me when I came back, ask me if I ate anything, or offer me a glass of water.

But I was used to this numbing silence.

I turned on the lights in my bedroom and walked over to the study table by the window placing my laptop bag on it, absentmindedly staring out but then my eyes landed on the guards patrolling the gardens.

Suddenly I was overcome with a sense of suffocation, like someone was pressing on my lungs, limiting my breaths.

While the guards seemed like they were there for my protection, that wasn't the case.

The guards weren't there for my safety but instead, they were there to make sure I stayed locked up in my own house. That I am unable to escape.

They were my jailers.

Feeling stifled, I backed away from the table and started taking off my clothes with the intention to take a bath. Throwing my tie and coat into the hamper I opened my closet for clean clothes only to find a brand new expensive-looking tuxedo hanging in there.

My wedding suit.

This was the reality I was trying to desperately escape but like the plague, it wouldn't let me rest. I felt like I couldn't breathe, holding back tears as I thought, why me?

I gripped my cell phone and called the only person who could just soothe me with his voice, seeking some reassurance, some comforting words.

Anything to keep me sane.

"Hello?" A slightly husky voice rang out in the empty room, "Jungkook-ah, is everything okay?" The moment I heard these words his voice heavy with concern I finally broke down like I always did, "I am so tired," I sob, "I can't fight anymore."

The other end was silent for a while as the person on the other end let out a sigh, "Talk to me, Jungkook, tell me what's wrong."

"Do you trust me?" Jimin, my best friend asked once I was done ranting.

"Of course I do," I replied instantly in a nasal voice wiping my nose on my sleeve, frowning my brows I asked, "Why would you even need to ask that?"

"You got half an hour, Jungkook." Jimin said in a grim tone and I could hear him moving about, "Pack a bag with the important stuff you might need like your phone, maybe that credit card your parents won't trace, we are leaving."

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