#13: Heartbeat [Jimin]

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"Coming across you is like
A TV drama created by the universe
So many wanderings, being lost endlessly
You led me through this labyrinth
My light and salvation,"


BTS (Heartbeat)

[9th September, 2018]

Esordio, Italian Alps


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[A\N: I read this chapter so many times while editing I can't tell if it's good enough or not. Its too annoying to me. Hope you guys like it.]

I woke up relatively early, with a severe hangover and a blank spot in my memory.

Groaning, I stretched and covered my eyes from the sunlight glaring in my face. The last thing I could remember was getting dragged away from the festival by a determined Jungkook.

How I ended up in my bed was beyond me.

After a little while of mentally preparing myself I finally got up. I stumbled my way to the kitchen and grabbed a couple aspirin before collapsing on the couch waiting for the medicine to kick in.

It wasn't long before Jungkook woke up.

I was still slumped over the couch when I heard his door open but I had no energy to move so I stayed still.

"Holy shit Park Jimin you scared me! Are you dead or what?"

I winced and turned to glare at him. "Lower your voice will you? My head is killing me."

Jungkook seemed amused, his hair were all over the place and his eyes swollen but he still looked so breathtakingly beautiful. Even with a throbbing headache I couldn't look away.

"Serves you right." He giggled, mischievously making his way to the kitchen, "Do you want more alcohol?"

"Fuck off." I groaned.

Jungkook laughed and I winched, groaning in frustration, making a mental note to pay him back.

But he made me breakfast with a cup of coffee and some toast so I decided to forgive and forget.

"How are you so cheerful this early in the morning? Did you not drink at all last night?"

"Relatively less than you." Jungkook answered around the chocolate cookie he was munching, as he moved around the living room putting stuff away.

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