#4: Best of me [Jungkook]

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"It was raining, it was snowing.
But all unhappiness stopped
you brought heaven to me."


BTS [Best of me]

14th August 2018

I jolt awake as a glass of cold water is emptied on me. Gasping I wipe the water from my face and stare at Jimin hyung who glares at me.

"Wake up, punk!" He yells too loud for early morning.

I don't waste a second and leap at him. However, the older possibly foreseeing my reaction jumps away laughing mischievously.

It only annoys me more.

"Aish, just wait you shortie! I will sacrifice you as an offering to Satan!" I yell chasing after him with my pillow in my hands,

Throwing the pillow in my hand at his zooming back.

No one dares to wake me up without getting a ticket to hell. Besides Jimin... And Taehyung, sometimes.

What can I do these two besties just have a death wish, it's not my fault that they like to poke a sleeping dragon.

That's how I find myself chasing Jimin early in the morning all around the motel room, while the sky is still grey outside and Jimin's laughter rings around the room like a melody.

After five minutes of chasing the room is messed up, cushions and pillows sprawled everywhere.

And I am still chasing after the little devil's spawn. Who, by the way, is older than me by two years but that doesn't mean he isn't little for me.

"Got you!" I yell as I catch up to him pulling him back by his arm.

"Damn - whoaaa!" Jimin yells suddenly when his back slams into my chest a little harder than I expected and I lose my balance falling backward.

At that moment out of instinct, I grab hold of the closest thing to me which just happens to be Jimin's shirt, pulling him along with me.

Eyes blown wide the first thought in my head is to protect Jimin so instinctively I wrap both arms around his waist as my back hits pillows that cushion our fall.

Jimin falls over me, knocking me breathless with his weight.

For a moment everything is deadly silent until Jimin curses loudly and then we are both laughing crazily.

The melody earlier now has lyrics as my voice merges with Jimin's own.

It was moments like these that made all this risk of running away worth it.

With tears in his eyes, Jimin lifts his head and looks up at me from where he is lying on my chest, and gestures to my arms that are still around him.

I don't know why but my heart is suddenly thundering within my chest. Jimin is so close I can nearly feel his breath on my face.

Suddenly uneasy, I quickly let go and he rolls to lay down beside me.

In the silence, my stomach rumbles loudly.

We glance at each other and just like that the mortification is gone and we both start to laugh again.

"You lost. So treat me to breakfast, midget." I gasp when the laughing fit ends, nudging Jimin in the ribs with my elbow my cheeks hurt but it feels nice.

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