#2: Spread My Wings [Jungkook]

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"I believe in you. Even if
things are bleak right now
the end will be great."
BTS [Outro: Wings]

Ford Mustang 2018 model 😍

There was the screeching of tires on the road, the wind whipping past my face, the sound of loud music, and my voice as I sang along

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There was the screeching of tires on the road, the wind whipping past my face, the sound of loud music, and my voice as I sang along.

The cool early morning wind rushed through my hair, and creasing my face, slipping inside my clothes as I spread my arms wide standing in the Ford Mustang convertible, a slight smell of cigarette smoke in the air.

I closed my eyes and pretended I was flying.

The feeling sent a warmth inside my chest.

Unbidden I laugh, the sound echoing in the wind, zooming around the empty roads.

It has been days since I laughed with such happiness, so much that I almost felt light-headed.

"Hey! Big baby be careful!" Jimin yells over the howling wind from where he is sitting in the driver's seat, wearing a blue jacket and a black baseball cap, his eyes flickering briefly to look at me as I snap my own eyes open, "Can't have your dad blaming me for your murder."

"He would rather kiss your feet as thanks for getting rid of me," I yell back as I turn to look at him while holding onto the cold windshield but after a moment I do fall back into my seat pulling my hood over my head again.

On our right, the plains were covered with the rolling rice fields, and on our left lush yellow flower fields swaying in the wind as we approached Gyeongju.

Normally going from Seoul to Busan Gyeongju wouldn't come in between but we were avoiding the main highway. And going through the towns instead.

"As If." Jimin rolls his eyes as I lean back propping my legs on the dashboard, pushing my Ray-Bans up to rest on my eyes letting the sun shine on my face.

"I actually wanna see their faces when they realize we finally ran away." A smile curled at my lips as I imagined their faces. Their inhumane faces cold as they throw threats and orders.

"Missing your ma and pa already baby? Are you gonna cry? Does baby need a hug?" Jimin teases me talking in a baby voice as he pulls out another cigarette, lighting it up while driving.

He turns to study my face for a reaction. But I don't give him the satisfaction of staring blankly at him.

"Aww, the baby is sulking." Jimin giggles as he baby talks unfazed eyes flickering between the road and my face, while his other hand throws the lighter on the dashboard.

Suddenly I jump on him, taking the cigarette from his mouth and throwing it out of the car, followed by the pack of cancer sticks and the lighter.

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