#6: Dreamers [Jungkook]

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We will never get lost because
we will run through together.


Ateez [Dreamers]

20th August, 2018

[Thank you sm for 2k reads!💜]

"Are you going to cry?"

I spun around to glare at Jimin who sat beside me on the driver seat, "No."

"I keep feeling like you would." he says with that shit eating grin on his face as he leans back in the seat one hand on the steering wheel and across from him through the window the horizon was colored a soft shade of orange fading into hews of blue and purple.

"I am not the cry baby Jimin." I rebuke, laughing and Jimin makes a face mimicking me as he rolls his eyes.

"As if you didn't cry that day."

I fell silent, recalling that day when we were moving out of our shared apartment, Namjoon had been teasing Jimin because his eyes were red, he kept saying "Guys, look at Jimin he is about to cry."

Although Jimin had kept refusing for a while before he suddenly bursting out crying, with big fat tears rolling down his face, surprising everyone.

It had been the first time I had seen him cry.

The warm ocean breeze of Greece brushed our faces, blowing Jimin's hair off his face and exposing his forehead.

My face suddenly felt hot and I looked away, turning my attention to the brand new Panasonic LUMIX GH5 camera in my hand.

On the footrest lay the camera bag with the set of seven different lenses that came along with it. I reached out and selected a lens suitable for low light photography and quickly fixed it on.

Turning on the camera I focused it on Jimin whose attention was on the GPS as he spun the steering wheel around.

As the car moved along the road the orange sunlight also shifted and now illuminated Jimin so that he looked more ethereal than before, his hair blowing softly in the breeze exposing his forehead and his slightly flushed face and bright eyes.

Despite having traveled overnight resulting in dark circles and having a jet leg he still looked good.

I pressed the button and captured the moment the sound of shutter snapping caught Jimin's attention as his lips curled up.

I gazed at the photo, a bright smile overtaking my face.

"Feel honored." Jimin laughs, "The first photo in the camera is mine."

"Don't make me delete it." I say still smiling happily as I zoom in, satisfied with the quality.

I once again lifted the camera focusing on the road but I didn't take a picture and lowered it again.

"What?" Jimin glanced at me, "Are you going to cry?" he asked again.

He was enjoying it way too much.

I had a witty comeback on the tip of my tongue but bit it back at the last moment.

I will be good today because you gifted me a camera.

I ignored him and removed the lens trading it for another one better suited for video recording attempting to hide my red eyes.

I was truly grateful.

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