#3: All we know [Jimin]

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"We have passed the end,
so we chase forever
'cause this is all we know."

The Chainsmokers [ All we know]

13th August 2018

The sun had completely set by the time we finished eating and hit the road again. I barely ate but I did chug down a couple of beer cans.

The wheel was beneath Jungkooks hands as he drives, eyes focused on the road, with a serious and focused look and his lips pursed he looks hot.

No wonder girls swoon over him. But too bad he wasn't interested in any of them.

And too bad while he looked like a hot-ass daddy, he was just a whiny little brat who would prefer flavored milk over alcohol any day.

The thought makes my lips curve up as I turn my gaze away from him to look ahead.

As we enter the city of Busan the said guy turns to me while I am lying on the seat one leg pulled to my chest as I sip from my third can of beer... or is it fourth? Maybe fifth... Who cares anyway.

"Hyung where to?" Jungkook questions in a slightly heavy voice.

The roof is pulled up because the night breeze is colder but the windows were halfway down and I had goosebumps on my arms but I liked the feeling.

My face was cool from the continuous wind slashing against my skin.

I lazily stretch out with my ring-clad right hand as I type in the address of the hotel in GPS.

We have our private villas in Busan but we just ran away so we cant go home.

Jungkook has focused on the road again. And I lay in a way so I am watching him resting my head against the seat.

I still remember when I had first met him. He used to be small.

He was fifteen back then and now he is twenty-five. Yet despite the figures, he is still a kid, with the innocence of a naive 15-year-old, that, fortunately, never went away.

It was about 10 years ago when I was having drinks with my friends when Seokjin, my senior, had mentioned his cousin Jungkook, who was a high school senior, and that he had been looking for a dorm. 

Namjoon had offered to share his apartment but he already had two roommates, Taehyung and Suga. And even if he had space Jin, refused to say the environment wasn't exactly ideal for his cousin, who was still a minor.

At that time, I was in the first year of university and had my private apartment.

Hence after lack of any better ideas, Jin had asked me to let his cousin live in my apartment because the hostels were already full for the year.

He wanted someone responsible to look out for the boy, the words had made me scoff in disbelief, wondering if Jin had hit his head somewhere.

Letting a high school boy stay with me? I hadn't been so entertained about sharing my private space with a kid but I respected Jin a lot and the kid seemed close to him.

While I didn't think I was responsible or a suitable person to be living with, I knew Jin won't take a no for an answer so I didn't bother arguing, and all was decided.

At that time I had thought about how hard could living with a teenager be?

When I had finally met Jungkook,  a week later. I was immediately overcome with the feeling to protect him.

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