#10: Ribs [Jungkook]

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You're the only friend I need
Sharing beds like little kids
And laughing 'til our ribs get tough
But that will never be enough


Lorde [Ribs]

[31st August, 2018]
Brindisi, Italy

We had finished with dinner at the hotel we were staying at and I had my mind preoccupied. While we were eating, Jimin handed me a small thin notepad and asked me to make a small itinerary for our tour in Italy because Italy had not been on the original bucket list.

Hence I had spent my dinner engrossed in my phone while making a list of all the things we could do, occasionally asking Jimin's opinion but he was more interested in the wine selection the hotel restaurant had to offer and only gave me half-assed answers.
"We're in Italy. Of course, I am here for the wine." He'd said when I had made a face after I had asked which one of the two Sassi di Matera districts we should visit but he hadn't replied, carefully scanning the different wines listed on the menu.

So I just ignored him and made the itinerary by myself. It was the closest thing to work I had done since leaving Korea. The familiarity was relaxing.

It was close to midnight when we headed back to the room we were sharing.

Somewhere along the journey, the concept of separate rooms had left us. Now we just got a single room with a king-size bed that we shared, or two double beds, depending on availability. Since it was tourist season, this was cheaper too.

The windows were open and a breeze smelling of autumn blew in as I grabbed my stuff and headed into the shower, muscles aching from the long day.

Maybe it was the traveling getting to me but I found my energy draining easily. The shower helped with my building headache somewhat, I got dressed in a white shirt that was a souvenir from Athens... and probably Jimin's because it fit a little too tight on me.

I smiled as I suddenly thought of how endearing Jimin's habit of collecting random souvenirs was. He had a small thing from all the places we've been to, be it a small tissue paper or a coupon we'd never need.

I had my towel around my neck, when I stepped out, stopping abruptly, startled.

All the bedroom lights were dimmed and Jimin stood by the bed, a small cake cradled in his hands with a few candles lighting his face in a soft golden glow.

"What-" It hit me then. It was past midnight. September has started. It was my birthday.

"Jeon Jungkook turns 26. Damn, you were only 16 yesterday and had arrived at my apartment looking like a lost rabbit." Jimin had a bright smile on his face, eyes two crescents.

My brain had stopped working.

The wind blew, the curtains rustled and the candle flickered.

I stood still like a statue with the candlelight reflecting on my face as Jimin got closer and lifted the cake a little, "Quickly make a wish and blow the candles before they start to melt on the cake."

I subconsciously obeyed and closed my eyes. The image of Jimin, holding the cake, awash in the golden glow of candlelight looking breathtakingly beautiful burned into my mind.

I made my wish heart beating fast and when I opened my eyes the cake was blurred due to my teary eyes.

And the candles were blown, taking my small wish away with them.

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