#11: Certain Things [Jimin]

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There's certain things that I adore.
And there's certain things that I ignore.
But I am certain that I am yours.
Certain that I am yours.


James Arthur (Certain Things)

[6th September, 2018]
Esordio*, Italian Alps

[Disclaimer: Esordio is a fictional town and does not exist in the real world. More on this at the end notes.]

The Italian Alps were a dream-like sight, the towering mountains looking majestic in valleys of green. So pretty I could stay there forever.

The town of Esordio was located in the valley between two mountains and upon arriving we asked around for vacation cabins, being led to a man called Fabio who rented vacation homes.

We spent most of the afternoon visiting the cabins with Fabio that were available, before we ended up choosing a small single story lodge with two rooms, perched on a cliff on the outskirts of Esordio, overlooking the valley.

We spent most of the afternoon visiting the cabins with Fabio that were available, before we ended up choosing a small single story lodge with two rooms, perched on a cliff on the outskirts of Esordio, overlooking the valley

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Jungkook's tired eyes were glittering with excitement and curiosity. And I couldn't help but let my gaze linger on him as our host brought the keys and handed them to the younger.

Jungkook's charm affected even Fabio, who invited us for lunch in the town. We spent most of the evening in the town after lunch, getting necessities before heading back with the car full of groceries and our stuff.

The cabin we rented was surrounded by a stone wall that secured the boundary and consisted of an outdoor parking space and a little yard.

"This place is probably the best one we have stayed on the whole trip." Jungkook said as he got out stretching.

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