Chapter Sixteen

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Andy and I talked all period about what colors we like and shit like that. He offered to bring me to my next class that he happened to be in. It was a free period. I walked in and gasped. In the back sat four boys heavily tattooed. I pointed to them and glanced at Andy.

"You should probably avoid them. They're bad news" He then proceeded to tell me about them. He pointed from left to right.
"That's Jeremy Ferguson but he goes by Jinxx. He has been to jail once for shoplifting. Mildly dangerous. That's Christian Coma also known as C.C. He has been expelled twice. Once for beating someone into a coma in grade 10, quite ironic since his last name is Coma, he also went to jail for that. Then he was expelled last year for changing his report card. Very dangerous. He has a short temper. That is Jake Pitts. He is a street fighter. Undefeated. He is known to hit girls so, extremely dangerous. Lasts there is Ashley Purdy. Rumor goes that he once killed a man. The cops are afraid of him... Why? I have no fucking idea. He also beat his last girlfriend into a coma. She still is in a coma. Avoid him at all costs. If you run into him apologize and run. If he talks to you answer all the questions honestly or he will find out. Agree to everything he says." He finished. I shrugged. I killed two men and I was a demon so they didn't really scare me. I walked all the way to the back and tipped Jinxx out of his seat before sitting down.

"What the fuck" He seethed.

"I decided this looked like a nice seat... But your fatass was hogging it. So I pushed you out" I answered simply, kicking my feet on the desk. He slowly got up and tried to look threatening. It was amusing actually.

"Do you know who I am?" He glared. I nodded.

"Actually I do... And I couldn't care less. Now! Andy dahling come sit" I said in a French accent patting on the seat next to me. He slowly walked over and sat down.

"You got balls lady" Ashley said.

"Last time I took a piss I had a vagina" I remarked.

"Sit with us at lunch" He said.

"Nah" I replied.

"It wasn't so much as a question it was a demand"

"And it wasn't so much as a no
It was a no"
He groaned and went back to his seat. My phone buzzed causing me to jump. I pulled it out only for it to be snatched by Andy.

"Dude" I cried out in surprise.

"Relax" He said chuckling and tapping something in. "I'm just putting my number in" I sighed. When he handed it back I saw he was saved under 'Andy the best friend'

"Really bro" I laughed. He nodded and showed me his phone. I was saved under
'Mah bestiee'

"I'm guessing you don't have many friends. Considering your calling a girl you literally just met your best friend. For all you know I could be a murderer. The minute I got you alone I could lop your legs off"

"Eh. I'm welling to take that risk. And no, I don't have much friends. I had to swoop in and take you before anyone else"

"I could always take you to meet my friends and sister. But only my sister goes to this school"

"That'd be great" He smiled.

**** (Time skip)

I rushed to the out of the class where Andy was waiting. We have to go to my dorm first. He nodded. We walked to my dorm and I unlocked the door.

"WELCOME TO MY WOMAN CAVE" I shouted. He laughed. I walked in only to stop in surprise.

"MICHAEL" I screeched and leaped on him. His arms wrapped around my waist and his hands rested on my thighs to hold me up.

"I missed you" He whispered in my hair. I lifted my head and looked around all the boys were scattered around the room and smiling at us. Andy was awkwardly standing there. I gingerly got down.

"Right" I said clearing my throat. "This is Michael, Luke Ashton and Calum. And boys this is Andy" I said pointing to each of them. I hugged each of the grinning man children. Just when I stepped out of Ashton's grasp Ashley and his group walked in.

"Who the fuck are you" Michael snapped.

"Oh dear lord" I groaned.

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