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"Rafe" I spat, the annoyance leaking from my tone. 

"Babe" He singsonged, flashing his award winning smile at me. 

The look alone making the butterflies erupt in my stomach and my body go weak at my knees. I longed for Rafe, thought I still couldn't quite figure out in which way. I love him, of course. But what did it all mean?

"Stop, your sister is next door" I whined, my eyes rolling along with my words.

"And so? She always is Maddie" It was his turn to be annoyed with me, though his annoyance coming for a slightly different reason. 

"But what if she gets mad" another whine escaping my lips.

He reaches his long arms out to me, pulling me into his chest. His words just above a whisper now as he brushes a loose strand of hair from my eyes.

"Maddie, baby. You're acting like we are plotting her murder. We are literally just finding away to get her and Top back together" the blonde haired boy was less than amused with my dramatic antics. His fingers running their way through my hair ever so slightly.

"But it's an invasion of her love life" I said more to myself than to him. I did care about Sarah's privacy but more importantly I worried for Topper, he was my best friend after all and he was ruined by the Cameron girl already, and not that long ago might I add.  

"She's an invasion of my life so it's fine" he stated, his chuckle causing his chest to rise and fall moving me along with it.

We had been at this for hours. Sarah Cameron has been one of my closest friends since we were 7 and well Rafe, he just seemed to come along with her. As the years have passed he's become more than just a 'friend' he's become my best friend and as the days past I'd swear we spent more time together than the blonde girl and I. 

Though I like to blame most of that or her sudden obsession on all things surrounding around the word "boys".

Rafe and I, well that's the complicated part. 

You see we are best friends and no one could ever probably tell you any different. 

It all started a few years ago, I had just ended things with my long term boyfriend and he had just ended things with a girl he would've swore he was going to marry.

A few innocent kisses behind closed doors and everything would be fine. But it wasn't and it isn't because now 3 years later there is still a very strong thing between us and even as others have tried to come and go I just can't seem to stay away from the Cameron boy.

It's always us at the end of the day. But we would never even think of taking the relationship farther than what it is at this exact moment.

Some might call us foolish I know,
but the love I have for Rafe Cameron is something I almost wish he would never know.

"I guess you're right" my voice soft as if the thoughts of Rafe were never just in my mind.  

"I think she's been hanging around that Rutledge boy, John B?" Rafe's words were soft with a touch of annoyance. He lingered on the name, almost as if he wasn't 100% sure what he was beginning to tell me was true. 

"Your dad's boat hand?" I question, turning to meet his face for the first time since the butterflies had died down. 

His hand now still, placed firmly against my thigh. 

"That would be the one. Damn Pouge, and she's dads favorite how?" His words were always bitter when he talked about his father. 

His dad could never be anything less than condescending when talking to or about Rafe. It took me a long time to understand Ward Cameron, even as a child.  He always was so deep in his business dealings he never really had time for Rafe or the girls either really. 

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