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"Yeah top, I'm sorry"  It wasn't hard to notice my once cheerful tone was now one of sorrow. My mind was wondering and I couldn't help but wonder how weird I must've looked in my daze. I know I shouldn't be so upset over something I knew was bound to happen. But I really thought there would be hope for us one day.
All the long nights of talks alone with Rafe. Us spilling all our darkest secrets and smiling about our futures.
"The time isn't right yet beautiful" he would always tell me, just as he would brush the loose strands of hair away from my eyes.

But then Emily came along and well we already know how that went.

It wasn't long before Emily and Rafe were standing right in front of us.
"Top, man it's good to see you made it" Rafe said throwing his large hand on Topper's shoulder.

"Maddie, good to see you too" But he didn't make eye contact, the taller boy looking in any direction but my own.

"I see Sarah, I'm gonna head over and say hi" Topper's grip on my waist lightened up as he nodded in response still deep in conversation with Rafe.

The gesture didn't go unnoticed by Rafe. He watched every movement we made as Topper was removing his hand from around my waist. They waited for me to walk out of earshot, or so they thought, then the questions began.
"What was that about?" His voice low and his tone deep.

"Rafe man, you know we've been friends forever. Im still in love with your sister. Maddie is just going through some stuff" Topper sounded annoyed at the fact he was having to explain himself to the Cameron boy.

"I bet she is" Emily fake coughed out.

"Why does it matter anyway baby? You don't care about her" Rafe and Topper's attention was quickly on the blonde girl who they had forgot was standing there minutes before.

"You're right babe I don't. We'll- uhh, see ya Top" Rafe quickly waved his friend off while secretly searching the boat for the brunette that was once on HIS arm.

"Sarah! Kie! Guys!" Maddie's excitement was truly showing at this point. She was back in the company of her new/old friends.
"Mads, Hey! You came?" Sarah was quick to question me. I guess she was right to question after the events of the night before.

"Yeah, Top talked me into it, I was regretting it till I saw you guys." I smile, pulling the girls each in for a hug.

JJ was quick to be next, pulling me into a hug before I knew it.

"I'm glad that psycho didn't feed you to the fish or something" he giggled, nodding his head towards Rafe.

"I'm more than okay, I promise"
I laugh in response.

I had grown fond of the blonde headed pouge in the sort time I've known him. You could even say maybe I had started to develop a small crush on the boy. But still not big enough to fill the void the oldest Cameron sibling had created just hours before.

"Wanna get a drink?" He shot back in response

"Sure!" I chirped back.

As the night went on the boat grew more full of people. I was never one for big crowds but I always was the center of attention, but this time I made it a point to lay low. Hanging with Top then back to the pouges, stopping in to talk to Kelce from time to time and Ofcourse sneaking glances at Rafe.

"This place is getting insane" I spoke walking back to the group of pouges I had just shortly left.

"This party is the shit" JJ shot back.

"We are gonna head out Mads, see you tomorrow?" Sarah looked worried for me as she spoke of the departure.

"Tomorrow it is!" Her face softened at my lack of worry and all the hugs began as the pouges made their way past me to the excited of the boat.

But JJ lingered.

"I wouldn't wanna leave you all alone on this big ole boat." His lips were inches from my ear as he was placing his 'final' hug against me.
"You don't have to stay JJ, I'm sure Topper is around here somewhere."

And around here he was, a brunette girl was currently pressed up against the side of the boat by Topper himself.
"He's busy Maddie. Let me take care of you."

His arms hadn't left my waist and the smell of alcohol was now filling my nose as JJ spoke. But I've never felt more safe than I did in this moment.
A subtle kiss was placed just below my ear were JJ's words were once being spoken. So subtle that it so easily could have been overlooked.

"Stay" was all I managed to choke out. I didn't realize I was holding a breath in, until it was back out.

JJ's grip still hadn't loosened though and before I knew it we were dancing with all the other drunks that had managed to fit on this boat.

Rafe's stare was burning through me, but for once in this moment I didn't care. I finally wasn't hidden behind closed doors with Rafe and I could enjoy what it's like to be appreciated.

"Arn't you glad I stayed beautiful?" He coos, pulling me even closer.

"More than glad" and that was true. A smile had been plastered across my face since JJ and I started dancing.

"You know you don't have to look at him."
His words jumped me out of my thoughts. I hadn't even realized that I was staring at Rafe until it was made noticeable. The last thing I wanted was for Rafe to think I was hung up on him.
The past needed to be the past.

"I'm sorry I was just thinking about tonight and how happy I actually feel and I didn't even realize I-"
Soft lips brushed mine as butterflies filled my stomach. The lingering taste of alcohol quickly filled my lips as I pushed harder against his.
This kiss was much different than the last time JJ and I had kissed. This one had more purpose. It was more passionate. And I would be lying if I didn't say it made my knees weak.

"Baby! Rafe, Rafe"
I almost wouldn't have heard her chants but her words were like daggers piercing through your eardrum.

But before I knew it, JJ and I were forcefully parted and you'll never guess by who.

Rush | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now