T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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"Mads? Can you come here for a little?" Sarah's face faltering at the sight of Rafe and I's intertwined fingers.

"Sarah seriously? You've had her like your whole life. It's my turn" Rafe wines, sounding like a child who wasn't getting his way.

"Ofcourse, I'll be right there" I say, slowly removing my hand from the blonde boy as his fingers increased their pressure around my own.

Sarah's door clicked shut as Rafe spins me around by my arm.
"Do you really need to go?" he pouts.

"She's very clearly upset babe, I need to at least check in on her" I reply, placing a quick kiss to the corner of the tall boy's mouth.


With that, I turned and made my way to Sarah's room, one I was all too familiar with. As the door creaks it's way open I finally see that the emotions had completely overtaken her features.

Mascara ran down her tanned cheeks and the tip of her nose was now turning a shade of red.

"Sarah, babe? What's wrong?" I rush out, meeting her on her bed.

I quickly pull her into a hug, trying to make out her muffled explanation between the tears.

"And- And the-then John B-"

"You're gonna have to take a few deep breaths, I can't understand a word you are saying" I softly chuckle, earning a light hearted grin from Sarah as she steadies her breathing.

"Topper showed up" she finally managed to utter out.

"You should have just led with that" I say, earning an actual laugh from the blonde girl beside me.

"All jokes aside, did he start something with John B?" My curiosity had gotten the best of me and though I try to keep my nose out of everything, lately I just couldn't help myself.

"John B thinks I cheated"

That was all she managed to peep out before the storm of tears was back to falling, the only sounds in the once quiet room were now those of Sarah's sobs and shaky breaths.

I wanted to help, and as I lay here holding her crying body I couldn't help but feel guilty at the fact I couldn't. Sarah had a track record with finding a new man before her old one was completely gone, but not for a second would I think she would cheat on John B. She was so madly in love with him I don't think anyone could make her eyes wonder, or so I thought.

The buzzing of Sarah's phone pulling me back to reality.

"Make him go away" she mumbles, her head still pressed tightly into my side. My once grey shirt now turning shades of black.

Once my eyes laid on the messages in front of me though I knew this was going to be worse than I had originally thought. Message after message from a drunk Topper coming in one right after another. The one catching my eye the most reading 'meet me behind the chateau in 10', but those following after made Sarah the face of guilt.

'i missed you'

'please leave him'

'you know whats best for you now'

"Sarah are you sure, you know, you didn't cheat on John B" I hated to even hear the words come out of my own mouth but if I was going to help fix this, I needed nothing but the whole truth.

"I swear Mads, I didn't even meet him there. But he showed John B the messages and then made it sound like I deleted my half of them" her voice weak as she sinks back into me.

"Why was Top even there?" Though parties were a normal thing for Topper Thornton, a pouge party was something he would usually never be caught dead at.

"He told everyone that Rafe had invited him" Though I knew this was nothing further than the truth I didn't want to scare her by saying the Thornton boy had been stalking her.

Right after Sarah and Topper had originally broke up, Topper had let it slip to Rafe that he had tracked Sarah by her phone all the times she was out with John B, though I don't know how I hadn't realized till now that the tracker was still being used. I could never prove that though and while I was sure Rafe hadn't talked to Topper, especially after all the tension recently, I also couldn't prove that.

"I just want John B to talk to me Mads, I'm desperate" she cried.

"Listen, why don't you get some rest and I will take care of everything for you in the morning, I promise. He loves you Sar, he always will no matter what."

Her grip on my waist finally lightening as she allows me to climb out of her bed.

"Are you going to Rafe's room?" she practically whispers.

"Is that okay?" my tone now matching hers.

"Always Mads, he loves you so much. It should make me sick, but honestly it just gives me hope that someone will love me as much as that one day."

I send a soft smile to the blonde girl in front of me, a rush of butterflies floating around my stomach. I quietly shut the door and tip toe my way down the hall until I reached Rafe's door.

"I promised I wouldn't be too-" I start before my eyes come across the sleepy boy before me. A grin stretching across my face as I take in all the resting features of the boy in front of me. His now messy hair laying carelessly across his forehead and the light snores seeping out from his mouth.

I slip into the bathroom to change into something a little more comfortable before tip toeing my way to the bed where I climb in next to a sleeping Rafe.
His long arms wrapping themselves around me out of habit as we sink into each other's warmth, now both of us drifting off to sleep.

Just a short chapter because I haven't updated!

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