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And no guns there was, just lots and lots of beer.

You see the boneyard is a level playing field. Kooks, pouges and even a few tourist from time to time all come together on level ground while we are here. Well as level as it can be I should say. I had always come as a Kook but I was finally getting to see how the other half lived.

It didn't take long for the people to start crowding in. The sun had just set and all that was left to light the way was the moon and a few staggered bonfires spread out across the sand.

I use to come to them all the time, but after the thing with Rafe it just didn't feel the same. I felt like some kind of specktical amongst all my piers. Though I was coming single and I never allowed any guys to talk to me. Little did they know I had a guy of my own behind closed doors.

Walking down through the cool sand I had flashbacks of all the fond memories we've had over the years. Sarah and I flirting with the boys, Rafe and all his girls he had brought; that Sarah and I always seemed to scare away.
One thing always stayed true though, no matter the plus ones or boys that came and went. We always remained friends.
This was the first boneyard party that Rafe Cameron would not even glance at me. Emotions rushed through but quickly were replaced with that familiar numbness I had become use to in the past few days.

Despite all the old memories, I wasn't letting it ruin my night this time. I'll make the most of it, and If that meant forgetting Rafe existed for the night then that's what I was going to do.

It wasn't long before Topper was there and I felt more at peace.
"Mads! There you are, I've been looking everywhere" Topper said wrapping me in a tight hug.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you" i gushed.

The beer had more than kicked in at this point but this was Topper we were talking about, I would've said this all to him sober. Topper and I had gotten a lot closer these past few weeks. Maybe it was the fact him and Sarah were no longer a 'thing' or that we didn't always have Rafe with us anymore but I wasn't complaining. Topper has been more than I could've asked for in a friend lately.

"Hey man! Top, good to see ya" it was Rafe once again making his presence known. "Hey Rafe" his reply was sort, Rafe almost looked taken back for a moment before the fake smile appeared back onto his face.

He wasn't quite sure how to feel about Rafe after what all had happened on the boat or the night at John B's, but he was still his best friend, all girls aside.

Emily's glare was making my face heat up. It was like she had nothing better to do but to judge the hell out of me with her stare. I wouldn't say I was the prettiest girl on the island but I wasn't ugly either, average if you will. But I never had a problem getting the guys I wanted, leave that to the personality I guess.

"Hey Emily, good seeing you again" It was my turn to make things awkward. I quickly could tell she wasn't expecting to hear from me. So I put on my best fake smile and emerged myself into the conversation, bumping shoulders with Topper as I scooted in closer.

"Same to you Maddie" Her tone quickly lightened as she turned to give Rafe a look.

Before anything else could be spoken in this already awkward group we had seemed to form. I felt a light grip on my forearm pulling me slightly to the left of where I once had been standing. The sand kicked up at my bare heels as the once bright light of the fire was now almost nothing.

My eyes took a minute to process my surroundings before I realized just who had pulled me away.


"We gotta stop meeting like this" I joked.

"Mads, this is our party babygirl. We don't need those kooks messing up your night once again"

He was right and I knew he was. "Can the only exception be Topper?"

"Ew. But yes because he seems to take up for you"

Topper has always hated the pouges but for me he was making an exception so why couldn't they do the same.

"Enough of this shit, let's party JJ"
Before he knew it I was running back to the keg and grabbing myself another drink.

The night got longer and longer and the drinks were now slinging in full swing. JJ and Kie had snuck off somewhere and here I was again with the one and only Topper.
"So how's your night, Top?"

"As good as it can be. Was never much on coming to these things single but life happens you know" Even though he had laughed at the end I knew through his drunk words Sarah still was on his mind, a lot more than he would care to admit.

"I know Top. But hey, look at it this way, she saved you from embarrassing yourself"

"Oh shut up, Mads" he laughs, pushing his arm against my shoulder. I dramatically fell to my left before catching myself and grinning back at him.

"You know I love you" i slurred swinging my arm around Toppers neck, pulling him as close as I could get him.

"I know you do babes"

I placed a long overly exaggerated kiss on Toppers cheek before resting my head against his shoulder staring at the waves crashing just behind the little fire we had placed ourselves in front of.

"Don't ever stop being my friend Top. Please?" He was silent for a moment, taking in everything I had just said.

My drinks were taking over my thoughts as the alcohol was now making my lips numb to the touch. The ground was spinning and I felt like I was floating slightly above it on a fluffy cloud.

"I won't sweetheart. I promise"

Before I could mumble another sentence my eyes were closed and my brain was turned off to the world. I was at peace with how things were and how they were gonna be. I had my friends and more importantly I had Topper and despite Rafe being his best friend he still kept my best interest at heart.

I truly loved these people.

But just like the old sayings do say. All good things must come to an end....


Hey guys!
So I've been working on chapters, I just haven't released them yet. I would really like feed back so I know how people want the story to go.

Does she have a fling with topper? Or just stay friends? These are things I want to make sure you guys want to see. The reads have been going up a lot these past few days which is exciting and I wanna make this story really long! This is just a filler chapter, so I'm sorry. I'll go back through and add to the story as much as I can!

Hope you guys enjoy :)

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