T W E N T Y - F I V E

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We were officially on our way to the cut, despite all the convincing it took on my part to the Pouges. They all weren't too keen on the idea of my drug addict boyfriend whom I was mad at 6 hours ago tagging along but they seem to have finally made an exception on my part. The ride is silent, the only sound between us being the soft hum of the radio as it plays an unrecognizable song. Rides with Rafe had been like this lately, though this time the silence was comfortable. Just like old times when we would ride around for hours singing songs out of key; just because that was the only place we could fully be together and not worry who might see or hear. I hate to admit but sometimes I miss those days, I had never been more in love with the Cameron boy than  when the only two people in the world that knew about us, were just that, us.

As we near closer to the cut Rafe's phone is buzzing in the cup holder, sending little beams of light towards the floor boards with every passing buzz. His eyes falter for a second before he fixes his eyes back on the road, sending his free hand to my thigh. Just like old times. Another buzz sends a tightening grip to my bare leg and I can practically feel his heart rate quickening. 

"Do you need to get that?" I spoke, motioning towards the now constantly buzzing phone, indicating a call was coming through. 

"It's nothing." he stammers, the confidence not following his statement like he thought it would. 

Though I still questioned how he knew what was going to be on that phone screen without even looking at it. Maybe it was Barry again, I mean he came clean about everything else earlier why would he cover up another lie. 

"Stop stressing Maddie, It's nothing" his eyes now met with the side of my head as we slow to a halt at the stop sign. The one street light sending enough light for me to fully see his face, though it lacked the answers I was looking for. 

"I'm not, just thinking about tonight" I reply back, this time with more emotion laced into my words. 

"You can look at it, if it's gonna make you feel better." Though he almost sounded like he was challenging me, like he knew I wouldn't pick it up. Looking through someones phone never ended well for me in the past and he knew how I felt about it. 

"Looking through someones phone only gets you two things, distrust and your feelings hurt" I chuckle out, hiding all traces of emotions I was feeling. Not giving Rafe the satisfaction of knowing he got to me.

The rumble of the gravel was finally coming to a stop as Rafe's truck slowed into the grass of John B's yard, one that was now filled with multiple vehicles that I had never seen before. The string lights dancing across the water as the stretch from tree to tree finally coming to an end down by the dock.

Rafe's hand intertwined with mine pulling me out of my thoughts once again this evening, "Just know, I love you okay? Just you" and with that he places a kiss to my lips. One that sent shivers spiraling though my body, soon I felt all my doubts slowly sinking away and being replaced with a growing ball of butterflies in the pit of my stomach. 

When our lips detach we both slowly make our way out of the truck and into the life of the party, Rafe's hand now tightly wrapped back around mine. 

"Mads! Glad you could make it" John B shouts, making his way over.

"I'm gonna go find us a drink" Rafe mumbles, bending down to place a kiss to my cheek before disappearing completely. 

"Where'd your man run off too?" John B utters while pulling me into a hug, a smug look now laid across his face. "Now John B, what happened to playing nice" I say returning the smirk. 

I knew they would never like Rafe, but they were trying for my sake and that's all that mattered to me. 

"You know we love you Maddie" JJ spoke up, causing me to turn on my heels. I was now surrounded by the pouges and Rafe was now where to be found. 

"And I love you all" I laugh, wrapping them all into a big group hug. 

Though suddenly I was very aware of my surroundings again. Searching over JJ's shoulder as the music began blearing louder and louder causing a ringing to echo into my ears. Though my new found state wasn't because the music at all, It had to do with the sight in front of me. 

"So, how'd you convince the kook king to come?" JJ mutters but I can't make my brain comprehend. 

"I asked" I short answered, trying to find what I previously was looking at but with no avail. 

"Are you alright, Mads?" Sarah questioned as my eyes where scanning my phone, as if it was going to give me an answer to the emotions currently rushing though my veins.

"Just dandy" 

But that's when they saw what I had been searching for. JJ's face gave it all away, and before I could even avert my eyes to the twinkling dock in front of me, it was all over. 

His arm detached itself from the place once around her waist and he was finally making his way to the drink table, holding up his deal from the moments before. 

"What the actual fuck is going on" Sarah says, raising her voice from her once calm demeanor. 

But before I knew it he was back; with the drink he had promised.

"Sorry that took so long, line is getting kinda ridiculous" he utters to me, placing a kiss to my forehead before turning to the others, finally realizing they were there. 

"Sarah" he pauses "Pouges" he mumbles out with a look of hatred. 

But as John B was responding my mind was wondering else where, the girl had finally turned enough for me to see her face and It was the last person I was expecting...



Sorry it's short! I really just wanted to get a chapter up for you guys!

As always, Vote & Comment!


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