T W E N T Y - T W O

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I had finally arrived home and was currently sitting in my steam filled bathroom waiting to get the energy to make myself get in. I stared at my reflection until the fog covered the mirror, finally breaking me from my thoughts. How did I find myself here, Rafe was all I ever wanted and yet here I am questioning my worth every day I've been with him. 

I checked my phone quick for the time before I gradually slide the door open, slipping myself under the hot water. I have about 20 minutes to be out, dressed and ready; I guess I spent more time contemplating my life choices than I had originally thought. I continued with my normal routine, spending a little extra time rinsing my hair out, allowing the warm water to take all the traces of the headache I was forming away.

Before I knew it, it was time to get out again. The weight of reality hitting me as soon as my right foot hit the cool tile beneath me. Was Rafe cheating on me? 

My thoughts were flooded with happy thoughts finally though as I picked up my phone seeing not only a text from Sarah, but also those of Kie and JJ. 

I miss you Mads! Come hangout soon!


Maddieee, when you coming back to the cut


You're missing all the action down here, plans soon?


I sent a quick response to the 3, letting them know we would all do something very soon before I stepped back into my room to see Rafe. 

"I missed you too, baby" he coos, playing off the smile still very present on my face. 

His arms wrap around me, sending shivers down to my toes. Nothing between us but the towel I had wrapped myself in. 

These were the moments I longed for, the moments that made me so completely and utterly in love with Rafe Cameron, that I couldn't stand to be away from him. His soft, warm touch. The way he utters baby as if it were my actually name. I knew no matter what this man did I would always been in love with him, and I had since the first day we met. Well maybe not LOVE, but an attraction that I had yet to find at my young age. 

"You okay?" he mutters, the smile faltering from his face changing into one of concern when I hadn't show any emotion back to his words. 

"I'm sorry, I've just been a little off this morning." I apologize, plastering a genuine smile on my face for what feels like this first time all morning. 

He pulls me back in, pressing his chest tightly against my own as his head finds itself bent down and in the crook of my neck. "I could never be mad at you Mads, I worked too hard for this to loose it" his warm breath tickling the sensitive skin of my neck with each word spoken. I allow myself to sink back into him, breathing in the soft scent of his cologne.

A buzzing starts on my hip causing me to take a step back from the blonde headed boy in front of me. "The boys must be here" he says, flashing me his phone screen with a picture of Kelce across the screen. I rush to grab my golf clothes and an extra change of clothes before the boys also find themselves in my room, which I know they will do. 

"Yeah, yeah. Just come on up Mads is getting ready. Nah man I was distracting her this time" he spoke, laughing on the phone with his friends. Just as I shut the door to my bathroom I hear Topper and Kelce make their way into my bedroom. Thankfully my parents were already out and about for the day. I quickly throw on my light pink outfit and started on my hair when I heard something that caught my attention. 

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