T W E N T Y - F O U R

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Tonight was a bonfire night. But not the usual boneyard keggers, no this would be a small get together among friends. Or so It would seem in the beginning.

Rafe had finally texted me about 3am, I guess when he finally woke up sober. Our time apart was much needed and though I would never let him hear me admit it, I had missed my time with the pouges. I felt at ease with the pouges and for some reason every second I spent on the kook side of the island had me second guessing my hair and my outfit choice for the day.

I have spent my morning running errands with the pouges, JJ, Pope, Kie and I had just finished up the beer run for the party tonight. What started as a 'small' get together was now a full fledge party by the end up our errand running, JJ told Scott and Scott told Trinity and so on and so on, so much so that even kooks we're gonna make their appearance tonight which brings us to know.

Wanna tell me why you're out buying beer with those Pouges for a party tonight?

Sorry babe! Meant to call you later on, just a little something Sarah and I are planning

I thought maybe kindness would ease his anger, that is if he was off of the drugs at this point and time.

I'll be around your house in like an hour? Can you come home?

Sure! Can't wait to see you

The next 30 minutes dragged on as I waited for us to arrive back at JB's in time for me to run home change, and meet up with Rafe. I couldn't say I was dreading the Cameron boy, just more so disappointed that I was going to have this conversation with him.

Before I knew it I was back home and ready for the party, that was until I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I yelled, before realizing I was the only one home. Mom and Dad must've been out of town for business again.

I open the door to be met with Rafe's scent, pulling me into the tightest hug.
"I missed you baby" he coos, placing a sweet kiss on my mouth.

This was my Rafe.

My response back is pulling him in for another kiss, longer this time. I engulfed myself in everything that was the Cameron boy, enjoying each moment before they would be gone again.

"So you're coming with me tonight then?" I questioned, sending him my best smile as we finally pulled apart and made our way inside.

"Whatever you want, baby"

And I can honestly say that is what I wanted. For the first time in days Rafe was back to his old self, one that I longed to be around. As we make our way around the house I feel Rafe's eyes burning into my back side. 

"Take a picture Rafey, it'll last a little longer" I giggle, without turning to meet his gaze that was now moved to the back of my head. A small smirk playing on both of our faces. 

"Oh don't you worry, I have those too." 

I know I should be mad at Rafe about the drugs, and I was. But If all this was about to come crashing down, I at least wanted one last day of being hopelessly in love.

"I missed this, Rafe" I spoke, finally turning to meet him. 

"He was never gone, Mads." He quickly pans his eyes to the floor, looking at everything but me. 

In this moment I knew that he knew. He knew I found out again and was trying to avoid him with the pouges. "How'd you find out" he says, barley above a whisper. 

"I had a hunch, but not officially until last night." I stated.

"Fucking JJ. All he wants is a piece of ass" His voice rising at each word he utters. 

I chose to keep my mouth shut after that. It wasn't JJ's fault that Rafe keeps going back to drugs, but me telling him is not going to help at the end of the day. 

"I'm trying you know" His voice back to being just barley there, I almost mumble a 'huh' before I catch myself. I know exactly what he had just said. 

"And I'm proud of you for that" I say, finally making my way to the top of the steps.

We had finally reached my door way and before the door was latched shut Rafe's lips were already attached to my neck. I was starting to notice a pattern, when he didn't have this he had the drugs and one or the other always kept him in his high. Though he didn't realize it would soon become him picking one or the other. 

His hungry lips nipped their way down my neck, sure to leave little bruises in their path. I was quick to react, reaching my hand into the thick blonde locks of hair attach to the Cameron boy's head. "I can't tell you how much I've missed this" he utters, pulling up my oversized shirt over head. 

"Why don't you show me then" I whisper, causing Rafe's eyes to roll back into his head; sending an ache to the pit of my stomach. The room soon filled with the soft moans and pants hinting at the actions taking place between us. I loop my fingers into the waistband of his pants sending another moan into the thick air. 

"Just- Just take them off" 


He stutters out, practically ripping my shorts off my body. Within seconds there was nothing between us, just skin on skin as he lays me back onto my soft white sheets. His fingers toying with my nipple before taking it into his mouth, sending a shock of pleasure through me. 

"Just do something already" he pants, motioning to my hand that had been tightly wrapped around his dick. 

It didn't take long for me to flip us over and push myself down on him. Time becoming a blur as the pleasure started to overtake my body. Things with Rafe never took long, but they were hands down the best times of my life. 

"Rafe, FUck" I moan, arching my back. Pushing him deeper in to me, earning a slur of curse words from Rafe. 

"I need you to cum for me baby" he manages to choke out. He reached down rubbing his fingers in a circular motion to meet his thrusts. 

"I'm close" I stutter, throwing my head back in pleasure.

"I love you" he mumbles, pulling my down onto his chest as we both ride out our highs. The only sounds to be heard were us catching out breath. 

"I really am trying to be better Maddie, for you" He says as we are cleaned up and getting ready for tonights events.

"Don't be better for me Rafe, be better for you" 

A look of realization hitting him before he looks back down towards his feet buckling his pants back up. 

"I'm gonna give you the world one day" He states before making his way into the bathroom.


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