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My legs still very present across JJ's lap, I hadn't even begun to stand up. Rafe was growing more impatient as the seconds passed.

"Maddie. Please"
His now long fingers were wrapped rather tightly around my upper arm as he pleaded with me to leave.

"I'm coming, chill Rafe, jeez"
Annoyance spat off the end of my tongue.
His fingers released my arm, red marks soon replacing them.

"Bye JJ, thanks for everything. I had a really great time! Next time you're on figure 8 find me" A wink following my response before my arms found themselves around the fluffy haired boy.

"Bye Mads, thanks for giving a pouge a chance." He knew the game we were playing as he planted a quick kiss dead center on my mouth. I had almost wished I felt the same familiar butterflies I felt when Rafe's lips touched mine.

Another hug and I finally turned meeting Rafe. His chest heaving more than normal, I could tell he was trying to control his breathing.

"Okay I'm ready" I chirped. Skipping my way back into the house.

"Glad you had a great time." He drug out walking beside me with our hands tightly intertwined, through the house and out the front door.

"Where's Emily?" I questioned with a smirk across my face. His hand warm against my own.

"Doesn't matter where she is."
Bitter. This boy was so bitter.

"Why did you want to leave so soon then?" My mood faltering at his tone with me.

"Why were you kissing on a pouge?"
He spat back. Though his hand had yet to remove itself from my own.

Ahh we finally made it. Was Rafe Cameron jealous?

"It was innocent Rafe. It's not like we don't do the same thing" and as much as I wanted to compare JJ to the way I felt about Rafe I couldn't. He didn't come close, I wouldn't allow Rafe to know that though.

"I think it's a little different don't you think?" His attitude was still very present. If I wouldn't have known better I would've said he was ready to beat my ass.

"How is it different? You literally came to the party with your ex. We are not together Rafe and you've made it pretty clear that we are to let no one know what we do"
Now my words were becoming bitter. Turning my great night into yet another shit show.

"We don't tell them because they wouldn't understand. You know I'm not ready for another relationship, Maddie so why even bring it up?"
He spat.

"Relationship or not. We lie to our friends everyday and the one time I find another guy to talk to, you want to make a scene. You don't get to do what you want with who you want and expect me not to do the same" The venom practically leaking off my tongue. I never spoke to Rafe this way and to be honest no one ever dared to. But I was fed up.

Tight hands gripped at my waist and before I knew it I was mouth to mouth with the Cameron boy once again.
My mind in a flutter of emotions.

"It's not the same." He mumbles.

"It's just not the same" He says again, our lips were still barley attached.

"Yes Rafe, but you don't love me and that's the difference, you love this. Not me. You have the freedom to do whatever you want and at the end of the night you know this poor little brunette will be wherever you ask her to be"
I finally removed myself and started off towards my own house.
Rafe stood dumbfounded for what seemed like forever but he didn't dare try to follow me.
He knew.
I know he knew.
But he wasn't ready to make the commitment I needed anymore and that's where this had to end.

I finally arrived at the front steps of my empty house.
It was depressing to even be here anymore. Knowing that when I walked through that front door no one would be on the other side. I wanted to miss my parents, but the thought of them alone made me want to cry. It's always do better and be better when they're around, no time just to be me.

"Madison Miller!"

My head shot around as the distant yells became louder through the darkness.
A smaller boat was now making its way to our family dock.
"Mads come on!"
"What are you even doing out here?" I yelled back starting my journey down the long dock.

"We wanted to take a ride through the marsh! Then we are gonna stop and hang at John B's, come with us!" She pleaded with me. The grin never leaving her face.

"Yeah come one Mads, the night isn't over yet" The blonde boy I come to know sending a wink my way as he reached out his hand to help me in the small boat.

"I should've changed clothes" I whined, the tight dress suddenly becoming more than uncomfortable.

"I've got some extra at John B's! We can stop their first!" The Cameron girl spoke up, grinning at me.

The way to John B's was quick and dark and he navigated his way back through the marsh like he had done a thousand times. I currently was sat in between Pope and Kie laughing about JJ's 'party trick' he had apparently tried earlier in the day.
As much fun as I was having my mind still kept wondering back to the Cameron boy. I wondered where he had went or what he was doing. I wondered if he was thinking about me too.

"You good?"

The goofy blonde had the cutest smile plastered across his face.

"Amazing. Thank you guys for saving me tonight" a smile now meeting his had reached across my face.

A ride through the marsh and we were now safely docked at John B's. Hammocks and chairs spread out around a raging fire Pope had just thrown more gas onto.

"Hey buttercup"

"Hi JJ"

"How ya holding up after that episode in the drive way?" He pressed on.

"You saw that?" I know the shock was written across my face. I felt myself sinking further into my seat to avoid embarrassment.

"I followed you out to make sure he wasn't gonna start acting weird again. He had a pretty strong grip on your arm."
The worry was evident in his voice.

"So, how much did you see?" My voice was trailing off but I needed to know if he had seen the kiss between two 'friends'.

"If your asking about the kiss, yeah I saw it, and no I haven't said anything to anyone else" He spoke quickly and quietly.

"I figured maybe Sarah didn't know" he finished, sending me a sympathetic look.

A wave of relief washed over my face.

"I can explain if you want to know" I was hesitant to even offer, but I felt I at least owed him that.

"Let me guess" He started
"It was a one time thing, turned into an all time thing. But it won't ever be the right time for two to be together"

And there he had it. All packed up in a nut shell. Were we that predicable?

"Bingo Mr.Maybank" A small smile playing across my lips for the boy.

"We've all been there. Well not everyone but I'm sure someone has" his laugh echoing through the night as he wrapped his long arms around me into a tight hug.

Maddie where the hell are you

Answer the phone

Mads seriously you can't just leave like that

You know I want you baby. It's just not the right time and I thought we agreed on that.

Looking up from the incoming messages my eyes made their way back up to JJ as I was met with his curious stare.

"It'll never be the right time, so why not make the most of the time I do have with people that do care" This time It was me wrapping JJ into a hug.

I was amazed at how quickly the pouge boy could make me forget about all the problems back on figure 8 and for that I was thankful.

Rush | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now