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The room was now cleared out and all that remained in the locker room was Rafe and I.

"Fuck, what did I just do" he sighs, running his hand through his now messy hair. 

Rafe was now pacing laps around the empty room, earning a groan from me in the process. He never could let us just have a moment anymore.

"I shouldn't have done that, fuck" his fist now meeting with the blue colored lockers to his left, sending a loud bang to echo through the small room, causing me to jump at the sudden loudness in the process.

"I just can't control myself around you. You're always in my fucking head Maddie!" He yells, pushing his fingers into him temple as he does so "I can't even sleep without you being fucking there. Do you know how hard that is?" his rambling continued as his voice became louder and louder with each passing word.

"Answer me dammit" this time his fist met the wall, and I sunk back into the wall I was pressed up against. 

"You know Rafe.." I sigh, letting out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding in, all confidence leaving my body. 

"I do know what it's like, I know how it feels to be so in love with someone that continues day after day to pick another girl. To be told how special you are when alcohol is involved but when the sun comes up the next day you're just some fucking side piece again. I'm tired Rafe" I paused removing my eyes from the boy that's face was now growing a look of sorrow to replace the one of anger that held it a few moments ago.

"I'm tired of always being second best to you. I've never not put you first Rafe, but today looks like it's gonna have to be that day." His face dropping all emotions as I spoke. 

I turned on my heels and made my way back out of the mens locker room, my heels clicking with each lingering step that echoed. My fingers had just brushed the door handle before I was spun and my bare back touched the cool wall once again.

"Why can't we make this work, Rafe?" I sigh, practically whispering my words now.

His blue eyes were now met with my own though I couldn't read his thoughts.

"Things were so easy when we were a secret, Maddie. I wasn't ready for everyone to know, but I wasn't ready to give you up either." he glances up to meet my eyes again. 

"Then why did you say we needed to stop"
My lips brushed his ear lobe as he lowered his head into me. His eyelids fluttered closed at the feeling of my hot breath reaching his neck, sending goose bumps all over.

"I thought it was the right thing to do"
His eyes remained closed but this time it was his lips causing my stomach to do flips.

"For her?" I questioned, more in a statement.

"I just-" he stops, not answering my question. 

"I broke up with her tonight you know" his tone lowering.  "I couldn't take seeing other men touching you anymore. Every time I saw another man even look at you I just wanted to fucking hit something."
His tone got deeper and his grip tightened with anger.

His thumb was tracing the side of my neck as he waited for a response.

"You broke up with her for me?"
I was now very aware of my surroundings again. Was I even hearing this right?

"I just wanna be with you, Mads." he whispers, glancing into my eyes. 

Before I could respond his lips were pressed tightly to my own. Our lips moved in sync with each other as we made our way back to the benches of the empty locker room. My hands quickly found the hair at the nape of his neck while he dragged his warm fingers down my spine sending shivers throughout my body before they rested tightly on my hips, pulling me up onto his lap.

"I missed this so much baby, I missed you"
He said as he placed kisses down my collar bone.

"I've wanted this for so long, Rafe"

"You've always had me, baby"

I was lost in him, lost in the thoughts of us being this close once again. 

Kissing Rafe was like finally coming up for air when you've been under water for way too long. It was needy but it was slow and sweet. I didn't want to need him the way I do, but ever since the first time I kissed him I have never been able to match the adrenaline rush it gives me. 

"I'm sorry Maddie, so sorry that I can't even begin to understand why you still forgive me after all these times" Rafe spoke softly not meeting my eyes as he runs his fingers across the hem of my dress. 

"I don't think I could ever not forgive you, no matter how many times you hurt me Rafe." I mumble, twirling his ring around his finger on his other hand. 

He hums in response, though I know he probably doesn't fully believe me. 

"I guess we should get back to the party, I know Kelce has probably ran his mouth to the whole club at this point"
Rafe nodded in agreement before pulling me in for one more kiss, a soft one compared to all the other we had shared already this evening.

We quietly snuck out of the locker room only to be met with the chest of someone on the other side

I'll update quicker this time I promise! 

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