T W E N T Y - N I N E

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I jolt awake to the sound of screaming coming from down the hall.
"Enough Sarah! I just want my shit"
I knew instantly who it was. John B.

This was one of the moments I was thankful Rose and Ward were out of the house, and I'm sure John B did too.
I slowly pull my arm out from around the sleeping boy beside me, causing him to roll his way to the other side of the bed. Eyes still screwed tightly shut.
I admire him for a second before opening the door just enough to slip myself out of.
"Please John B, it wasn't even like that" she pleads, her eyes meeting mine from across the hallway.

"Then why was he here" John B's voice lowering its tone as a look of defeat crossed his face.

Not only was my heart breaking for Sarah but for John B, the not knowing the unknown. I've been that girl.

"Rafe had asked him to drop his golf clubs off"
Though I couldn't say this was the complete truth, I did know that Rafe had asked Topper to bring them back days ago and by the look on Sarah's face she had no clue Topper was even within a mile of the Tanny Hill residence. But as my eyes glance across the base of the rounded staircase I see that maybe it wasn't too far from the truth. There sat Rafe's golf clubs, all together with a note placed neatly on the top.

"Look Sarah, I'm sorry okay" he sighs, shaking his head slowly.

"I just, I need to know I'm not like all the other guys. I need to know you're not going anywhere" his head tilting up meeting her red eyes.
Sarah let out another low sob as John B finally reached for her hand.
I took this as my sign to leave and slipped my way back into Rafe's room trying not to wake him. Much to my efforts the boy still lay motionless with his back turned to me, the only sounds being those of the blonde boys soft snores.

"Welcome back, Dr.Phil" he says with a chuckle.

"Oh my god" I yell, clenching my heart.

"You scared the hell out of me! When did you wake up?" I reply, smacking him on the arm.

"Since John B started his yelling" he giggled.

"Wow thanks for the help Rafe" i smirk.

"You had it all under control baby" he coos, placing a soft kiss to my forehead.

I sink into him trying to enjoy the last few moments of comfort before I know I'll be up running around all day.

"Not to change the subject but was Topper supposed to bring your golf clubs back?" I question, my mind still thinking about the note placed to perfectly between the clubs.

"Yeah like a damn week ago, why are they back?"

"Yeah.." I trail off.

"I'll uh- I'll be right back" I say, standing up and making my way to the door once again.

I was hoping John B hadn't made his way down the stairs yet Incase my suspicions were right and the 'note' in question was being left for the kook princess herself.

"Where are you going?" Rafe questions, an annoyed look now playing across his face.

"Just gotta run to the kitchen, need some water" I utter out, this time shutting the door back behind me rather quickly.

I catch a glimpse of John B's dirty converse as his body slips fully into the Cameron Girls room, before I start to make my way down the stairs.
As I get closer I start to make out the letters scribbled across the soft white paper in front of me.
It read:
For Her

I didn't know what to think of the small note, could her have been Sarah? Or even me? Curiosity was getting the best of me as I find myself with the note placed securely between my finger tips. As I begin to open the letter I find a page full of Topper's sloppy handwriting the first words being "hi Maddie".
My stomach sunk as I scan the words before me.
"I knew you'd be the one to find this, You always were the early bird(: I want to start by saying I'm sorry for everything. I knew how Rafe felt about you going into it and I pushed the boundaries. As for Sarah goes I know you're going to want to take her side but just know there are two sides to every story. I love you Mads, just please if you do one thing for me, let it be this: don't trust anyone.
Love, Top"

I stood still for a moment, the paper still neatly pressed between my fingers. What did he mean by dont trust anyone?

"What's that?" Sarah chipped, once again causing me to clench my chest.

"Oh nothing, topper saying he dropped the clubs off" I rushed back. My eyes not fully meeting hers.

"Oh. Well anyway, thanks for everything. I think we are gonna spend the day together like old times" she beamed, just as John B finished his journey down the stairs.

"Have fun!" I yell behind them, just before lightly shutting the door.

I took one last glance at the note before tossing it into the trash. Nothing was going to ruin my day today. I begin my quick walk back up the stairs before finding myself in front of Rafe's door.

"I thought you'd never come back" he moaned, pulling my body down to meet him.
But before I could respond he was peppering kisses from head to toe, causing giggles to erupt out of my mouth.

"The love of my life ladies and gentle men" he announces, puffing his chest and guiding his hands towards me.

"Thank you, thank you." I bow. Blowing kisses towards the blonde boy who's smile stretched across his face.

"You, me, the druthers?" He questions. Tapping each of his fingers as he speaks.

"Are you asking me on an actual date, Cameron?" I smirk back at him, causing him to shake his head in defeat.

"I'd give you the world if you let me"


Sorry it's short and boring. I haven't wrote forever and I felt I owed you guys something. More coming soon this time! I promise!

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