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The past few days I've spent a lot of time with the pouges. Mostly out in the marsh drinking beers, but we did take a few island adventures along the way. Tonight was finally midsummers and normally I would be dreading this evening but Topper and Sarah told me we'd make it the best one yet and some of the other crew would be there as well too.

Kie would be attending as a guest with her parents and Pope and JJ were going to be there as waiters for the night.

"Maddie, breakfast is ready!"
My mom yelled from the bottom of our staircase.

Every year on this day we were one big happy family. No matter what was said 12 hours prior when midsummers day hit we were the poster children for the perfect life. Pretty shitty parenting if you ask me but what do you do.

I took my time throwing my long hair into a messy bun and sliding on some Nike shorts before making my way down the staircase.
The first thing I noticed was a table set for eight, not the three I had been expecting. I suddenly started second guessing my appearance but before I could turn around my fathers mouth was already open and scolding me at my style choices or lack there of, I should say.

"Maddie dear, we have guests. Please go put some appropriate clothing on and fix the rats nest on your head." My mother scorned, rubbing her fingers against her temple.

As I turned on my heals I caught sight of something that took any apatite I had straight from my stomach.

Rafe Cameron

So this little breakfast event was all for the Camerons. I should've known. Had it just been my parents and I this morning they would have never waited on me.

I ran up the stairs on my toes and when I finally made it to the top I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in.

I quickly jumped in the shower and rinsed my body down. I mentally told myself I had about 10 minutes before mommy and daddy dearest would be at my door demanding I be ready. As I jumped out of the shower I wrapped myself in a towel before swinging the door open to my bedroom.

"Oh my god!" 
"What the hell are you doing" I scream, covering my mouth quickly after as if they would have stopped my parents from hearing.

"We need to talk. Since you wanna ignore me, again." His face was stern, no emotion playing across it.

"There is nothing to talk about Rafe, and I certainly don't want to be doing it while I'm not clothed." I spit back.

I turned around and began sifting through my now open closet. Trying to find anything to put on and get me out of this awkward situation I now found myself in with Rafe.

"It's like you hate me anymore Mads."
Shivers went down my spine as he whispered into my ear from behind me. His body pushed against my back ever so slightly.

"Remember when we use to be so close" he was pushing himself deeper into me. If i didn't know better I would have said the only thing between us was this thin towel.

His lips were brushing right under the back of my ear. The empty feeling in my stomach was now filled with a swirling sensation. I didn't know if to run or just let myself slip into the moment like old times.

"I miss being this close to you Mads. I miss having my lips on your body"

It's at this moment I realize I have yet to respond to the tall boy behind me.

"You don't mean that." I stutter, closing my eyes. Mentally smacking myself for letting him hear me stutter at the hands of him yet again.

"If I didn't mean it why would I have snuck up to your room to do this" as if his sentence wasn't over he was placing kisses along my shoulder blade. Little bumps replacing all the places his lips had just brushed over.

I knew if i didn't get out quick I was going to fall back into the same situation I always seem to find myself in with this man. I needed to get out. Even if I wanted nothing more than to feel Rafe on my body again.

"Mads? You still in here?"

Sarah. Shit. I have got to get myself out of here.

"She's in the shower still, I just came to check on her too. Always keeping everyone waiting. It's becoming a hobby of hers."

The hint of annoyance was in his tone but I couldn't figure out why, considering he was the one that was making me late. As I turned to meet his gaze his eyes were already all over me.

He pressed his fingers to his lips with a smirk.
"Don't tell anyone baby"

Baby. Fuck I hated how this man made me feel.

Without a response he walked out my door and back down the stairs to I assume sit down at our family table like he wasn't just trying to make me loose my mind in the bedroom right above it.

I quickly throw on a mint green halter cropped top and my favorite pair of light wash jean shorts before I made my way back down the stairs.

All eyes were on me as I finally took my seat right beside Sarah. She gave me a knowing smirk before turning her head back towards the conversation my mother and Rose were currently trying to have with her.

Rafe's eyes met mine without him even moving his head and I felt my cheeks flush red as he flashed his famous smirk my way.

"Maddie?" Ward called. Pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry Mr. Cameron, I must've been day dreaming"

He seemed happy with that response.

"I was just commenting on you going to midsummers with Dr. Thornton's son"

"Oh yes sir! I'm glad we all could remain such good friends." I chime back, shooting him my best smile.

"Toppers a good guy Maddie, I'm glad you and Sarah could continue your friendships with him after everything"

Sarah shot me a smile to which I return before Rafe loudly cleared his throat making everyone's attention turn back to him.

"Something wrong son?" Wards expression now being one of discontent.

"Nothing, just tired of hearing about midsummers already." He whines, taking a sip from his glass. All I could focus on was his long fingers wrapped around the small glass, his rings clinking against the cool material.

The rest of breakfast was more than awkward. Rafe was back to not even looking in my direction and I was counting down the minutes till the other Cameron's would leave. Giving me the opportunity to get ready for tonight with Sarah.

So I was gonna make midsummers this chapter but I wanted to add in some pre drama if you will lol

Hope you enjoy! I'm trying to update as much as I can!

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