T H I R T Y - T W O

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We had indeed picked up Italian food and were currently perched on the upper deck of the boat. Rafe had taken his time to string fairy lights all around, allowing the glow to reflect off the water. I truly felt as if I was in a dream. 

"So tell me, what do you think? Be honest?" he gleams, bringing his hand to my bare knee. Rubbing soft circles with his thumb.

"Is this what I've been missing out on? No wonder Emily kept you around" I joke, quickly realizing this probably wasn't the best time to be bringing up his ex. 

I felt Rafe's grip tighten on my leg and his body tensing up along with it. "Can we not bring her up? It was my mistake, but it's over, so" he trails off, now completely removing his body from mine. 

"I'm sorry, It just slipped. You know how I am with my jokes." Giving him a light hearted smile, I reached over to place my hand in his. 

He hesitates at first before wrapping his large hand around my petite one, "I'm sorry, I just hate even hearing her name anymore. It was such a dark time in my life" he sighs before picking up my other hand and turning to face me, inching his way closer to my face. The soft breeze of the ocean blowing in the small space between us. "You're beautiful" he says, barely above a whisper. 

I never was good with complements, so I smile in response as I feel the heat rising to my cheeks. 

"You know, when I finally realized I had pushed you too far and I thought you were done with me for good; I was so scared. The thought of ruining our friendship and potentially any other kind of relationship had me sick to my stomach I jus-" 

"Rafe, it's all over now" I whisper, stopping him. Our lips barely brushing. 

"Just let me finish Mads." He starts. "I've never been able to make a commitment like I am to you okay? You're the first thing i've ever been 100% sure about" he finishes, finally closing the small gap between us.  

This kiss was by far the best I've ever had with Rafe. The passion and tension that had all been building up was gone once again. I couldn't believe I had ever questioned Rafe's loyalty to me. He was and is mine and only mine from here on out. 

"What do you say we get off of here" he's now grabbing my hand, leading me off the small step between the boat and dock. 

The walk back up the dock was a quiet one, though the silence was anything but awkward. I finally felt at peace. No more drama, just Rafe and I. The years of secrets were gone and I was still hopelessly in love with Rafe Cameron. 

"You sure you don't want to stay?" the blonde boy questions, pulling me from my thoughts, running a hand through his hair. 

"I should go, this is mom and dad's first night back" Beyond that, I knew any good relationship needed its space. "I'm sure I'll be back in the morning though" I continue with a giggle, causing a smile to find its was back onto his face as well. 

"I'll be looking forward to it" he smiles, pulling me in tighter. Placing a kiss to the top of my head. 

"Drive Safe" he coos, planting a kiss to my lips now.

"Bye, Rafe" I smile, closing my door behind me. Sending him one last small wave. 


The ride home was rather quiet. It was getting late and mostly everyone was in bed by now. Every once an a while I'd see people out on the beach, this time of year was popular for tourists and their night fishing. I often wonder what it would be like to be a tourist in the Outer Banks, do they smell the ocean air and instantly feel all their worries disappear, or do they get irritated with all the sand and the heat. I love figure 8 but I miss the simplicity of the cut more often than not, I wonder if the tourist would feel the same. 

I was nearly home when I first spotted the jeep. 

Topper's Jeep

He was parked towards the base of our driveway, far enough away that my parents couldn't spot him. My heart rate quickening at the thought of having to see him face to face. 

I slowly made my way past him and parked in my usual spot. All the lights in the house were off and the only light was that of the moon reflecting off the ocean in front of me. 

"Mads" his voice soft, and quiet. As if he didn't really want me to hear him. 

But there he was, staring at me; looking like he hadn't slept in days. 

"Topper" I responded, finally meeting his eyes. 

Almost instantly I could see the worry wash off his face. Like he finally realized it was going to be okay to talk to me. "I'm glad you're finally home" he starts, his voice rising ever so slightly. 

"I really need to explain myself" 

"That you do" I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. 

The Thornton boy smiles back for the first time before continuing "She really did want to meet up with me" 

The smile on my face dropping "So you meant her?" I start "In your letter I mean, she was the one lying?" 

"Yes, well not completely but yes" he sighs

"She's been messaging me, it started about messaging me about you and Rafe. She thought he was sneaking around on you and then before I knew it she missed me." his eyes falter from mine and he's staring at the ground. 

"The night of the party I was just trying to be normal but-" he stops, still refusing to make eye contact with me. 

"But she acted like nothing happed and blamed you?" I finish for him, his eyes filled with sorrow as he meets my gaze again. 

"That would be it" Topper says. "And I'm sorry about bringing Rafe up, he really does care about you" I grin just thinking about him. 

"That means a lot, Top" I smile, pushing his arm.

"Just promise me you won't ever let him change you, you're truly perfect. Don't ever let him make you feel bad about yourself" I quickly give Topper a weird look causing him to finish explaining himself. 

"When he was with Emily, he uh-" he stutters "She would question your friendship and tell him he was in love with you, he would argue until she made herself feel crazy. In reality he was in love with you, he was just too stubborn to admit it" Topper turns, avoiding my reaction. 

"He really likes you Mads, and I'm sorry for not being honest all of those times you asked me" 

I quickly wrap my arms around Topper, resting my head on his chest. I feel his heart beat quicken before slowing back down again. "Thank you Top, I missed you" I whisper into his shirt.

"I missed you too" He laughs.


Awh! Top and Mads are friends again! 

Hope you guys still love it! 

Should I continue with this book or make a second book? Like a sequel 


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