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It's been 2 years since Rafe and I reconnected that night, the love I felt still replaying over and over in my head.

"Are you ready?" My tall blonde headed boyfriend says, stroking my shoulder and he watches me through the mirror of my vanity.

"Yeah, can you help me with this really quick?" I smile, turning to meet his eyes.

Without a response he grabs the hand the necklace is in, placing a kiss to my knuckles before taking the necklace in between his own fingers.

I take my time admiring him through the mirror as his large fingers concentrate on undoing the clasp on the thin metal chain.
It was hard to believe we were here.

A house all of our own, bordering between my two favorite places; the cut and figure 8.

Everything seemed to have fallen into place the past 2 years for us and looking back to the beginning I could've never imagine anything better.

"Damn this thing" Rafe grunts, trying one more time to get the clasp to work in his favor.

I giggle at his facial expressions before pulling my phone from the small vanity and looking at my missed messages.

"No way" I groan, shrugging back into my chair.

"What's wrong, baby?" Rafe perks up, looking at me as the necklace finally falls loosely in place between my collar bones.

"Kie and JJ can't make it, and Sarah and John B told me last night they weren't feeling well" I groan, poking my bottom lip out for extra emphasis.

"That's surprising" Rafe says, his voice higher than its normal monotone pitch.

"Did you have anything to do with this?"
Turning around quickly to stare him in the face.

"Poison? Really Mads?" He chuckles but I can practically see the sweat building above his brow.

"What's wrong with just us tonight?" He continues before turning to grab his wallet from our nightstand.

"I guess" I hum, wrapping my jacket around my shoulders.

The ride to the restaurant didn't take as long as I had remembered. I had been trying to get ahold of Kie and Sarah but it seems they have both decided they didn't need to respond to me.

"What're you gonna have tonight?" Rafe speaks, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What are we? On a first date?" I laugh, grinning at him from ear to ear.

"Oh, shut up" he groans, sliding his right hand across my bare thigh.

Within minutes we were parked in the busy parking lot, beginning our trip into the restaurant.

"Mr.Cameron" the hostess spoke, leading us back to the far end of the building, placing us at my favorite table.

It overlooked the ocean and just as the sun would start to set, a fire of oranges and yellows would cast their way across the beach.

"I love this table" I pout, curling my body into Rafe's side.

"I know"

He places a kiss to my temple before pulling my shoulder into him.

We sat and talked and watched the sun as it began it's trip back into the waves for the night.

"I'm sorry your friends couldn't make it" Rafe finally says, pulling my gaze from the people walking down the beach.

"It's okay! I never mind a night alone with my guy" I grin, pulling his empty hand into mine.

"How'd I get so lucky"

"You earned it, Rafey" I choke back a laugh, calling him the only name he's ever hated.

A groan from him was all the response I needed.

"No rush" the pretty waitress said, placing the bill down on the table between us. Sending an extra smile Rafe's way before turning on her heel.

"She's cute" I grumble, rolling my eyes at her back.

"You're cute" he counteracts. Placing his card in the little folder.

I still blush at his compliment before turning to look back out towards the water again. It was like an obsession I could never find the cure to. I truly loved every moment spent by the water.

"The sun is almost setting! Can we go watch it from the beach?" I chirp, already scooting my chair away from the table before I had received a response.

"Go ahead, I'll take care of this and be right out" I was cursing the waitress once again for being less than punctual, but I wasn't going to turn down my opportunity.

With a kiss to Rafe's lips I hurried through the metal fencing surround the restaurant and instantly felt the sand spread around my feet. Taking a deep breath I began my journey down the rapidly cooling sand, searching for the perfect place for Rafe and I to enjoy the sunset.

Couples lined the sand as I turned in both directions, taking in every inch. I smile as I hear the live band from the restaurant begin to play a melody that sounded oddly familiar though I couldn't quite place my finger on it.

"May I have this dance?" Rafe says, causing me to jump.

I turn to wrap myself into him, grinning back at him.
"Is this Taylor Swift?" I giggle, turning between him and the restaurant with a playful look on my face.

"Stop" he groans, hiding his face into my neck. Placing a kiss on the delicate skin.

I engulf his scent and I continue swaying to the beautiful melody playing down the beach.

"I love you so much" he coos, placing a few soft kisses to my lips, "not as much as I love you, Rafe"

"We're gonna miss the sunset" I say, turning to look at the sun sinking faster and faster. Rafe releases my grip and I turn to see why, finding him down on one knee gleaming up at me with a nervous smile.

"No way" I whisper, feeling tears already prickling at my eyes.

"Mad" he begins, pulling the ring to the space between us. I catch his hands shaking as he does so.

"I have loved you from the second I laid eyes on you. I know it took me some time to realize my feelings and stop being an arrogant asshole but I want you to know I always knew in my heart you were the girl for me. You're patient and kind and you never failed to make me feel loved even on the days I felt like no one could. I want you to be with me forever, if you'll have me. Would you do my the honor of being Mrs.Cameron?" He finishes, the nervous look returning as he searches my eyes for a response.

"Are you crazy? Of course" I yell, jumping onto him on the ground. I place hasty kisses all over his face before he cuts me off.

"Don't you want to see the ring?" He laughs, pulling my face away from him for a split second.

"It could be a ring pop for all I care" I laugh, pulling him back into me.

"I told you!" I hear someone laugh from behind me. It was only then that I realized that the whole crew of friends was standing watching the whole thing unfold.

"You guys weren't sick you assholes!" I yell, slapping John B on the shoulder in the process.

"Mads, babe, the ring" Rafe groans, holding it out to me.

"Ahh yes!" I run back to him, watching with anticipation as he slips the ring perfectly on to my marriage finger.

I couldn't believe how perfect it truly was, but it was fitting for being granted the most perfect man.


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