T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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It's been a few days since Rafe and I's date. Topper and I have been talking now more than ever and though I know Rafe cares about me and would understand, I can't help but keep it a secret. I'm so worried it's going to ruin everything good between us.

"Maddie, dear. Dinner is going to be ready in 20 minutes. I need you down here to greet guests" she urged.

Mom and dad have been home for a total of 4 days now and ever since it seems they are out for a "lunch date" here or "drinks" there. This was the first day though that we were back to having a family dinner at home, though the "family" would consist of us three along with the families of the Cameron's as well as the Thornton's.

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. For all Rafe knew I still hated Topper as much as he did, and well for all Topper knew I had filled Rafe in on our little conversation and all was well in the world of Figure 8.

I quickly threw on my black sundress with the little white designs splattered across and brushed my hair out for a final time with my fingers, making sure every piece was perfectly in place. Just as I was taking a final look into the mirror a soft knock was placed to my door.

"Come in" I say, raising my voice ever so slightly.

The door creaks as it swings in across my dark hardwood floors. I didn't bother looking over, knowing it was probably just Rafe who had come over early to spend time alone with me.

"Hey Mads" these words now had me frozen, my mascara still pressed lightly against my lashes as my brain tries to process why he would be up here.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I just figured we could talk a minute before things get crazy down there" he chuckles, I still couldn't bring myself to turn around.

What if Rafe walked up and saw us like this, I would have to spend all evening trying to talk him out of a mood and that's only if he didn't storm out before I get the chance.

"When did you get here Top?" My eyes still fixated on my mirror as I slowly apply the last few swipes of mascara on my lashes.

"Maybe 15 minutes ago, your mom asked me to come get you to greet everyone but we are here and well the Cameron's, well you know them" his laugh picked up at the end again at the mention of Rafe's family.

I took one last glance at my appearance before smoothing my dress down and finally turning to meet Topper face to face.

"Well let's go get to it" I chuckle, the nervousness slightly subsiding at the idea of leaving this private setting with Topper.

I began walking to my door when I felt a hand grip my arm, "just wait a second, please" he pleaded.

"What's wrong Top?" It was like all the anxiety I had felt about getting caught was gone now, seeing the desperate look in his eyes made me forget about my own feelings for a second. He might really need me right now, I hadn't even thought about the fact he would have to be seeing Sarah, which would mean John B would be shortly behind her.

"I don't want to see them" he practically whispered.

"Listen Top, you won't be alone. We'll be there and I won't let anything happen to you. I know the truth" I say, pulling him into me for a quick hug.

"What about Rafe?" The anxiety slowly building back up at the sound of his name. Suddenly I was overly self aware of the time and the proximity I was to the Thornton boy all over again.

"I haven't got a chance to talk to him about our talk, but I will soon I promise. Just be calm, okay?"

Topper shrugged his shoulders before sending me a soft smile. I took that as my cue to finally head down the stairs to follow out my moms orders.

"Finally, they'll be here any minute and you already missed the Thornton's!" My mother hissed, sending my a stern glare along with it.

I quickly made my way over to the Thornton's and said my apologies, pulling them each in for a hug and welcoming them. It was all short lived when I heard the door bell echo through the house another time.

I returned to my place next to Topper and my mom as my dad opened the big doors leading into our front room.

My eyes quickly scanned past Rose and Ward to find Rafe, only to be met with a questionable look when he noticed I was standing a little to close to his now sworn enemy. I had to fix this and I needed to do it quickly.

Sarah's face dropped and she turned quickly to John B, almost hoping he wouldn't notice the Thornton boy that was just inside the doors. I could read it all in her face that she had a secret to tell, I just wish I didn't have to already know it.

Sorry for the short chapter, I've had it half written and couldn't find an ending that I loved.

The next chapter will be a lot more interesting though, I promise!


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