Chapter One: First Impressions

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Monse's POV:
"Who's party are we even going to?" I ask Lola. "This guy I'm talking to." She smiles. "Didn't you dump Ezekiel last week?" I drive away from her house. "I'm over it." She shrugs. "Does he know you have a four year old?" I ask her. "No, we met a few weeks ago. Doesn't matter, when a former NFL player's son hits you up, you go for it." Lola says. "No way, Jamal?" I ask. "Yup, met him at his dad's restaurant in Freeridge." She brags but I'm happy to hear it all. "Maybe if you didn't spend so much time putting in work you could've gotten with him." She laughs. "Trust me, Latrelle is enough for me." I tell her. "Yeah but he also has a huge target on his back. Lil Spooky isn't gonna forgive him... ever." Lola's always been a little too honest. "You're not wrong." I roll my eyes. We get to a huge white house in Malibu. "This place is bigger than our whole block." I lock my car and Lola takes my keys. "Text me when you're ready to go, until then you just need to make friends." She smiles. "Fine." We walk to the door and Jamal's waiting for Lola. "Finally, I've been waiting to show you off all day." He kisses her. "You brought a friend." He smiles. "My name's Monse." I tell him. "I like that.  Well, Monse, enjoy the party." They walk away and leave me standing awkwardly. "First time at a rich person's party?" A guy asks from behind me. "That easy to tell?" I look at my phone. "Yeah, especially with this." He grabs my arm and points at my 'Prophet$' tattoo. "What the hell?!" I yell and pull my arm back. "Do I know you?" I ask him. "Nah, but I'm from Freeridge too." He smiles. "So you just go around grabbing random girls from Freeridge?" I question him and he laughs. "No, sorry, I was just happy to see someone else who doesn't own six houses and three yachts." He sighs. "That's... specific." I nod. "Talk to anyone from here for thirty seconds and you'll see how right I am." He tells me. "I believe you." I put my hands up. "Well, since I probably won't be hanging out with a lot of other people tonight, wanna get a drink?" I ask. "You read my mind." He nods. "So, if you're from Freeridge, how come I've never seen you around?" I ask. It's hard to see his face with the low color changing lights but I don't think I know him. "You know how it is, we all end up just staying with our own people." He says. "True." I finish most of my drink in one gulp. "How do you know Jamal?" I ask. "Our families are friends. Our mom's met the day we were born." He explains. "That's actually pretty cool. My friendships barely make it a year." I almost make it awkward but he laughs. "Yeah, I just got lucky with him. Jamal's not like all these rich kids. He's a real person, you know?" He says. "That's good 'cause my best friend and your best friend are kind of a thing." I tell him. "I guess it's a good thing we get along." He says. "Why?" I ask. "You know, for them." He takes a sip of his beer. For a second I swear I recognize him. "And for me too. It doesn't hurt to have a friend at these things." He says. "I wouldn't know, this is my first time at a party that isn't in Freeridge." I explain. "Hopefully you get dragged to more so I get to see again." His hand touches my hip and I realize we're standing really close. "Yeah, I'll definitely be around." I smile and put my empty solo cup down. He kisses me and I forget about the million things I have going on, including Latrelle. It doesn't last long before we both pull away. "Sorry." He laughs. "Don't be." I kiss him again and he pulls me towards him. "Just another reason for me to keep coming to Jamal's parties." He says. There's at least a hundred people in the living room with us but I barely even notice them. Being around him is weird and familiar, like we were together in some other universe. I've never felt this before, not even with Latrelle. I can feel it deep down I know who he is but I don't know if I want to. "You sure we've never met?" He asks me. "I was just wondering the same thing." I smile. "Doesn't matter, at least I know you now." He tells me. "Yeah." I agree. "Listen, I probably should've said something sooner but I have a boyfriend." I tell him and he doesn't respond for a second. "He here tonight?" He asks. "No." I shake my head. "Good." He pulls me in again and kisses me. "You know you never told me your name." I tell the familiar stranger when we stop kissing for a second. Right when he's about to answer Jamal and Lola walk to us. "Cesar! Oh, you already met Monse." Jamal yells, happily. I look over at the boy I've been talking too all night and I finally recognize him. "It's time to go." I grab Lola's arm and she follows without hesitation. Out of all the people at this party I had to meet him. "Did you know they were friends?" I ask her when we get outside. "I had no idea. I knew he had a few Santo and Prophet friends, I didn't know he was one." She hands me my keys. "Wait!" lil Spooky runs towards us and I throw my car door open. "I swear I wasn't trying anything. I didn't even know you were Latrelle's girl until I heard your name." He explains but I just get in my car. Against my better judgement I don't ignore him. "You saw my tattoo, you knew I'm a Prophet, you should've stayed the hell away from me." I get into my car and slam the door. Lola's barely in the car when I speed off.

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