Chapter Seventeen:

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Monse's POV:
Should I tell Cesar it was her? Maybe she's a different Pope. How is she selling to us and working for them? She has to be planning something. I pull into Latrelle's garage and the guys take all the guns besides mine. "Here." Lewi hands me a small stack of money. "Good to know I can trust you. I was starting to hear some things about you that I didn't like." His voice is so deep that everything he says sounds threatening but that, that was definitely a threat. "Like what?" I ask. "You know." He walks away and I can breathe. "Fuck, I had like six heart attacks after you left." Latrelle laughs and he hugs me. "I'm ok, it was pretty easy." I tell him. "Yeah, I heard the new guy doesn't start shit." He says and I nod. I definitely can't tell him we just gave thousands to a Santo. Latrelle tries to kiss me but I pull back. "Sorry, I don't know why I did that." I laugh under my breath. Maybe it has something to do with me cheating on him... or him shooting Cesar. "You sure you're good?" Latrelle sounds suspicious. "Yeah, why?" I shrug. "Not just 'cause tonight. Monse, you've been acting weird since we got in that fight." He tells me and I nod. "Right." I can't think of an excuse. "I know you were there." He tells me and my heart drops. "I don't know what you're talking about." We go into his room. "I saw you in your car with someone. You know I shot him. Some people been saying they know who it is but I know you're not that stupid." He grinds his teeth. "Who do they think it was?" I ask. "They haven't named anybody but I know it's lil Spooky. Don't try to act like you don't know him. When I told him I was looking for you his whole faces changed." Latrelle says. "Yeah, probably 'cause he's dating my sister." I cross my arms. "I heard they broke up?" He looks at me like he's trying to catch a sign that I'm lying. "Maybe they did but I was with her and Jamal that night. She borrowed my car and I guess she came here." I shrug and he just nods. I know he doesn't believe me but he doesn't say anything. "You know what happens if you get caught with a Santo. There's some things I can't protect you from." He walks out and slams the door. Cesar texts me but I just ignore it. I climb out the window and go back home. "Heard what happened. Good job." My dad stares at the tv. "Where's CJ?" I ask. "Don't know." He obviously doesn't wanna talk about it. "Cool." I walk into my room and start changing. I pull off my hoodie and look for one of my old t-shirts. "Hey." I hear someone behind me and I point my gun at him. It took me a second to recognize his voice. "Hey." I sigh when I see Cesar. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "You weren't answering my texts. I just wanted to make sure you were ok." He says as he sits on my bed. "So you broke into my house? My dad's literally out there watching tv. There's guns all over this damn house. Are you trying to die?!" I whisper-shout. "I was making sure you didn't die." He laughs sarcastically. "We're not dating, stop being so damn protective." I turn around and throw a shirt on over my sports bra. I lay down on my bed and text Lola instead of talking to Cesar. "Why are you being such a bitch?" He asks and I slam my phone on my bed. "Why am I being such bitch?" It's taking everything in me not to scream at him. "The Prophets can tell I'm doing something with someone. Latrelle's pretty sure that me and you have something goin' on." I tell him. "I'm not gonna let them hurt you, it'll be fine." He says it like it's that easy. "I'm not you! I'm replaceable, you're not. They can't just find a new lil Spooky but there's a million other people just like me. If they find out what I'm doing they'll jump me out!" I remind him. "Monse that's not gonna-" I cut him off. "You gotta go." I pick my phone up. "That's what you want?" He asks. "Obviously." I don't even look up from my phone. "Fine." Cesar leaves and right when my window shuts I feel like crying but I don't let myself.

Cesar's POV:
I walk to my house from Monse's, I didn't drive to her place 'cause I know the Prophets recognize my Impala. Whatever's going on with her, she'll figure it out, she needed space. "What you doing on my block?" I hear Latrelle and I walk into an alley. He follows me just like I thought he would. "What, didn't bring anyone else? I thought you were too much of a bitch for that." I laugh. "Come on, we both know you're the fucking pussy. You've had so many chances to kill me but you never even get close." He starts to pull up his shirt and I grab my gun before he can. "What, you gonna try to kill me again? I'm not afraid of you, lil Spooky." Latrelle pulls out his gun. "I've given you so many damn chances to get outta Freeridge, if you die it's on you." I remind him. "Fuck you!" He screams. I'm about to pull the trigger. If I do, whatever chance I had with Monse is dead. "Latrelle, turn around and go home." She walks towards us from the back of the alley. "Go Monse, you don't gotta see this." He says and she steps in front of me. "No one has to die tonight." She says. "Get the fuck outta the way!" Latrelle screams at her and she pulls out her gun and points it him. A second later Prophets come running towards us. "We gotta go, now!" Monse grabs me and we run. "Shit, if they saw you-" she cuts me off. "They did, I could tell." She says. We turn the corner and get in her car. She speeds towards my house. "No, I can't stay here I'm not putting everyone in danger!" I yell. "Fine!" She yells and she keeps on driving.

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