Field Of Petals

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-3rd Person Zak POV-

Zak pulled a hoodie over his body, the clothing just oversized enough to cover most of his hands. He tried to find some sense of calmness in the situation that had just unfolded in front of him. He had summoned a demon, ran away, and been caught, just to find out that the demon now was somewhat of a servant. What had he gotten himself into....

He suddenly had a realization when his mind tracked back to the demon. He had let the demon roam freely around his house, alone. Possibilities ran through Zak's head of what Good would do. Zak rushed out of his room in search for the demon, ' I can't believe I let him wander around the house! '. Zak wanted to hit himself but he didn't have the time... and it might hurt.

Zak stopped at the entrance to the kitchen, seeing Good had his gaze focused on something. He slowly approached Good, hoping the demon wouldn't hurt him if he got too close. He stopped when he was roughly two feet away, turning his attention to see what Good was staring at.

He tilted his head slightly when he saw the object the demon was staring at was box of pizza Zak had ordered an hour ago and forgot about. Zak stayed silent as Good stared, his pupils larger than any sane person's.

' ' What is it ' '

Zak almost jumped at Good breaking the silence and turning to look at the smaller boy. ' ' Oh um, It's a box ' ' He answered, the demon narrowing his eyes. ' ' Well no shit, Sherlock. What's IN the box ' ' There was a hint of hostility in the demon's voice. Very surprising...

Zak leaned over the table, opening the box, a thin crust cheese pizza inside. He went to turn around only to be met with the demon's face. Zak noticed the demon was leaning against the table, his arms trapping Zak in place.

Although he was only inches away from Zak's face, Good wasn't focused on the boy. His gaze was focused on the food sitting in the box. Zak felt his face heat up when the demon's eyes met his own. Good tilted his head slightly, staring at Zak's red tilted cheeks.

The demon put his hand on Zak's forehead, making the boy flinch. ' ' You're too warm, you better get to bed ' ' The demon hissed. ' ' But- ' ' Zak tried to protest but was interrupted. ' ' Stop being a bitch and get to bed before I make you ' ' Good said, stepping away from the counter and crossing his arms.

Zak sighed, not wanting to find out what the demon would do, he decided to walk to his room. He flopped over on his bed, burying his head into the pillow. He stayed there for a few moments, feeling the warmth of the fabric on his face. He pushed himself up slightly, flipping over onto his back.

He stared at the ceiling, wondering what to do. He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths as he laid in the newly found silence. He smiled slightly, the silence calming his mind of the worries he had mere moments ago. He turned onto his side, grabbing a plush pumpkin that was near the edge of the bed. He pulled it close to his chest, wrapping his arms around it tightly.

The boy couldn't help but feel his eyelids become heavier and heavier until he was barely able to keep them open. He reluctantly gave into his tired body, drifting off into a deep sleep.

Zak felt a cold breeze hit his face, making him press his eyes shut. He wondered if he had left the window open, only to remember he had closed it. He felt the surface he was laying on with his hands, it didn't feel like his bed, no, it didn't feel like anything remotely close. The texture his fingers were met with was silky grass and coarse dirt.

He forced himself to sit up, propping his hands behind him for support. He opened his eyes only to be met with tall grass. He stood up as he tried to take in his surroundings, not knowing where he was. The grass was about up to his waste, making it easy to see over.

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