Get ready for school, bitch

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-3rd Person Zak POV-

Zak groaned as he woke up, rubbing his forehead. ' ' Did you have to slap me to wake me up?' ' He pouted as he looked up at the annoyed demon beside the bed.

' ' Yes, now get ready for school, dipshit ' ' Good hissed at the smaller boy. Zak tiredly pushed his covers aside, kicking his feet over the edge of his bed. He yawned as he got up, the demon walking out of the room.

Zak walked over to his closet, opening the doors and staring at the clothes hung up in front of him. He scanned the shirts and jackets before grabbing a black and orange hoodie. He pulled his shirt off, placing it on the chair next to him. He slipped on a white t-shirt with demon horns embroidered on the front. He thought it was the funniest fucking thing because he has the mindset of a fourteen year old.

He pulled the chosen hoodie over his shirt, putting his hands in the pocket out of instinct. He walked over to his desk, grabbing his phone. He stopped to pat his pumpkin plush on the head before exiting his room. He walked into the kitchen, passing family photos covering the walls. Most had him with his aunts and uncles, one or both of his parents missing in almost all of them. He stopped in the middle of the hall, turning his head to look at a large framed photo.

It was of his parents on either side of Zak, who was much younger, around the age of 6. He remembered that day, the day he loved to think about. It wouldn't look like much to most people, but Zak felt that day was the best day of his life. His parents had finally gotten a day off of work and decided to take young Zak to the park. It was one of the only times he could remember having a nice time with his parents.

He let out a sigh, turning away from the scene and finishing his walk to the kitchen. He entered the room, the annoying sound of the toaster popping up in his ears even though it was on the other side of the room because it's a fucking toaster and logic sucks. He made his way over to the table, leaning against it. He struggled to keep his eyes open as he heard the demon walking around the room. 

' ' Get your damn bag on, you're gonna miss the bus, you slow piece of shit ' ' Zak heard the demon hiss as his bag hit him in the back. He stumbled to keep his balance as he grabbed the table with one hand and one strap on the bag with the other. He stood up with a groan, pulling the bag over his shoulders. 

' ' GET THE FUCK OVER HERE THE BUS IS PULLING UP ' ' Good yelled as Zak rushed out the door. Zak ran down the pavement and to the sidewalk. He ran up to the bus just as it stopped, and if you have ever chased something and it randomly stopped... you know that momentum takes action because mother nature is a bitch.

He tried to gain balance but just as his heels lifted off the ground, the doors began to open. He fell face first onto the sidewalk, turning his head as he fell so that he didn't break his nose or lose any teeth. 

' ' ow... ' ' He mumbled as he tried to pick himself up off the ground.

' ' Pfft.. you okay buddy? ' ' A familiar voice said above Zak.He picked his head up to see his friend George standing over him, hand extended to help him up. Zak smiled, grabbing his friend's hand to be pulled up. George cocked his head towards the bus and Zak giggled. The two stepped onto the bus, walking past rows of kids who were laughing and whispering.

George sat down in the very back, patting the seat next to him. Zak sat down across from his friend, putting his bag to his side. 

' ' So Spifey, how have you been? ' ' Zak asked with a smile. Spifey was a nickname that was given to his friend for no real reason, he just called himself Spifey one day and it stuck.

' ' I've been fine, what bout you, Jef? ' ' Spifey responded as he dug through his bag. Zak chuckled at the nickname. 

' ' I thought I told you to stop calling me that ' ' He said with a goofy grin. 

' ' Whatever, you don't stop me ' ' Spifey chuckled as he pulled out a waffle and stuck it in his mouth. Zak perked up when he saw the food, remembering he had not eaten breakfast. 

' ' aw pumpkins.. ' ' He mumbled to himself, looking over to his own bag. He tilted his head when he saw two pieces of toast in a plastic bag.

He smiled as he saw his beanie shoved in his bag as well. He took his beanie and put it over the fluffy mess he called hair. He then took one of the pieces of toast and shoved it into his mouth. He turned his attention to the window, scooting slightly towards it.

He watched as houses and other objects flew past the window. He smiled before the bus stopped once again. He pushed himself up so he could see over the seat in front of him as another few boys got on. He smiled, knowing exactly who they were.

He waved to them, the first boy smiling ear to ear as he waved back. He rushed over to Zak, pulling another boy behind him. 

' ' Hey Zelk! ' ' Zak said to the first boy. 

' ' Hey bud! I'm so glad to see you! You won't believe what Finn did! ' ' Zelk blurted out as he sat down in the seat behind Spifey, pulling the other boy down with him.

' ' Okay so, you know how he dresses up as a girl sometimes? ' ' Zelk continued, holding back laughter. Zak wondered what Finn had done this time, seeing as he was the most confident in the group.

' ' You mean all the time? ' ' Spifey chimed in with a chuckle. 

' ' Yes- yes, now shut up so I can tell you what happened ' ' Zelk answered, leaning out of his seat to punch Spifey in the arm. Spifey let out a small 'Ow ' before nodding his head.

' ' Okay, so, He put on that maid dress we got him for Halloween ' ' Zelk started, Zak already beginning to zone out. Even though he was with his friends, his mind wandered to the demon again.

What would he do with an entire day to himself? Would he do what you would expect from a demon? Or would he stick to his name and be good? How could Zak trust that the demon wouldn't burn his house down?

' ' And so he looked at Janet and was like 'Oh no you didn't' and she was all like 'Oh yes I did' ' ' Zelk's story was told in the background, Zak only picking up bits and pieces as he was wrapped up in his thoughts.

Zak remembered how the demon had woken him up. He also remembered when the demon had sent him to bed for his temperature. The only thing the demon had done so far to hurt Zak was call him names and insult him.

' ' And then she tackled him into the fountain ' ' Zelk continued talking to the small group.

The demon had mentioned being sent back.. but how? Even if he knew, did Zak really want to send the demon back?

' ' And then Tiffany came in and snatched her weave right off her head! ' '

Why was he even thinking about the demon right now? He was on his way to school with his friends, not at home with Good.

' ' He punched her so hard that he broke a nail! ' '

Why did it even matter? He'll be focused on school work soon enough. The demon probably wont even cross his mind once he enters the building!

The bus came to a sudden stop, making Zak fall out of his seat. The group looked at him and laughed. ' ' You okay? ' ' Spifey said with a worried laugh.

' ' Yeah... heh.. sorry ' ' Zak said with a nervous chuckle.

' ' Anyway, that's how Finn almost got stabbed in the arm ' ' Zelk finished, earning a few chuckles from the group as Zak got up.

He turned to see the bus doors opening and kids getting out. He leaned his head towards the doors and his friends nodded in response. The all got out of their seats, beginning to walk towards the door. After they all stepped out, Zak stared at the open gates of the school.Spifey grabbed Zak's bag, pulling him along as he ran past the gates and to the front doors of the school.

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