He's Alive

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-3rd person Darryl POV-


' ' What the hell did you just say blond bitch?! ' ' Darryl snapped, turning his head to face Clay. Clay stopped, his eyes widening as he stared at the brunette. He shook his head, snapping himself out of the short trance he had been caught in.

' ' I- I said... ' ' The blond stuttered, trying to process what had happened. Darryl walked closer to the boy, grabbing him by the collar. He pulled him close, examining those features he remembered so well. A smirk formed on his face as he stared into Clay's matching emerald eyes. 

' ' I advise you leave my buddy here alone... ' ' Darryl said with a devilish grin. ' ' Otherwise things may get messy... ' ' He paused, taking a moment to enjoy Clay's terrified expression. ' ' and we wouldn't want that... ' '

' ' Would we, Nighty? ' '

Darryl let go of the boy's shirt, pushing him back slightly. He turned, walking away from the group, Zak following close behind. Clay was left frozen in shock, eyes wide.

-3rd person Clay POV-

' ' What the hell was that, Clay?! ' ' Wilbur snapped at the blond, turning to look at him. Clay's breath hitched, his hands shaking. 

' No- no- this can't be real ' Thoughts and fears filled Clay's head ' I have to tell them- ' 

Clay turned, rushing down the hallway. He could hear Wilbur yell his name but he could barely comprehend his words. He ran through the halls, trying to find them.

He stopped in front of a small group of boys. He put his hands on his knees, leaning over to catch his breath. A brunette from the group glared down at him. The boy turned to ignore Clay, the blond lifting his head to look up at him.

' ' Can I... ' ' Clay breathed heavily ' ' Please talk to you... ' ' He continued, staring at the brunette. The boy stared at Clay for a moment, contemplating an answer.

' ' Fine... ' ' He mumbled in a heavy British accent, leading the blond away. He stopped in a vacant part of the hallway, as far away from anyone else as possible.

The brunette leaned his back against a locker, narrowing his eyes at Clay.

' ' What do you need ' ' The boy asked with a hint of annoyance. ' ' What could be SO important that you had to talk to me ' '

' ' I- I'm sorry George- ' ' Clay began before being quickly cut off by the brunette. ' ' Don't call me that, I go by Geo now.. ' ' Geo snapped, Clay sighing in return.

' ' I'm sorry Geo... ' ' Clay corrected himself. ' ' but.. something happened earlier.. ' '

Geo raised an eyebrow, staring down at the blond.

' ' Geo.. ' ' Clay tried to speak, his body frozen under Geo's cold glare.

 ' ' H-he's alive... ' '

Geo's eyes widened, filling with horror. 

' ' No.. No... no... ' ' The brunette completely tensed up. ' ' You're joking, right? ' ' 

' ' . . . ' '

' ' No- That's impossible ' '

' ' Geo- ' '

 ' ' I SAW HIM DIE, CLAY! ' ' Geo yelled as quiet as he could, trying to hide his fear.

' ' I know Geo- I was th- ' ' Clay tried to calm the terrified boy down. The brunette breathed heavily, trying to comprehend the horrible situation.

' ' Clay... ' ' Geo said in a hushed tone. His cold gaze focused on the ground below him. ' ' I'll tell Nick... ' ' The boy said without looking up from the ground. 

' ' You keep an eye on that... thing.. ' ' He finished, walking away without another word.

A silence fell over the hall when Geo was gone, a silence that was too lonely for one person to handle.

Clay was left alone in the hallway, a frown forming on his face. He missed his old friends, and wished he could have gotten back with them under different conditions. He missed their friendship and the stupid jokes they would tell. He missed George's laugh and Nick's soft giggles. He remembered their stupid promise they made when they were young.

Of course, every promise breaks, and this was no exception. He thought that maybe if the accident never happened, they would have never split up.

Clay wished things didn't happen the way they did, maybe then he would have his friends. Maybe he would still have his life. He missed all those relaxing days in the flower field, watching the clouds in a comforting silence. Clay stared down at his hands for a moment. They were trembling, Clay unable to stop their movement.

Clay let out a groan, putting his hands on his ears to block out the rest of the world. He missed his friends and he hated thinking about it. Whenever he did, the image of what had happened filled his vision.

' No- stop thinking about it- ' 

The blond shut his eyes tight, unable to get the vision out of his head.

' I'm sorry- '

' Please- '

' No! '

Clay opened his eyes, clutching one hand over his mouth and his other arm over his stomach. He felt a sick feeling wash over him as he thought about that terrible day. He regretting everything.

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