Lunch time w/ demon

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-3rd Person Zak POV-

Zak zipped up his backpack, closing his locker as he heard the faint sound of people talking. He smiled slightly, walking through the hall to the large doors. He exited the building, walking into the courtyard. He made his way to an empty spot shaded by a tree. He leaned his back against the bark, watching the door to see if he could catch his friends on their way out.

He waited alone, tapping his foot quietly as he sat. He hummed a soft melody, waiting quietly. He watched the other groups talking and laughing. He liked seeing others happy, even when it doesn't involve him at all. It gave him a warm feeling to know that other people are having fun. 

The only people who he got to make happy up close were his friends. Like Finn, TapL, Zelk, Spifey, Vurb, and maybe Zelk's brother.

He looked up at the tree when he heard the rustling of leaves. His eyes scanned the leaves, a soft light seeping through the holes between each leaf.

' ' Whatcha looking at, Pumpkin? ' '

Zak jumped when he heard a voice on the other side of him. He was met with the face of his demon... but he was.. upside down?

His gaze traced the demon's position to see his legs bent around the top of a branch, his torso hanging down with his hands behind his head in a casual manner. Zak's eyes met Good's, a look of confusion present on his face.

' ' Why are you in a tree? ' ' Zak asked, staring at the demon. The demon shrugged in response, mumbling a quiet 'i dunno'.

Zak's eyes widened slightly when he took a moment to comprehend what Good had said.

' ' wait- did you call me Pumpkin again? ' ' Zak tilted his head slightly. The demon's cheeks dusted a pink hue as he stared at the boy in front of him.

' ' Weren't you JUST embarrassed by calling me that? ' ' Zak giggled.

' ' Well um- I was.. ' ' The demon began, shifting his gaze away from the boy. ' ' but I saw that you liked it so I decided to keep saying it... ' ' He mumbled the last part.

' ' Awww! ' ' Zak's eyes lit up and a smile pulled at his lips. ' ' That's SOOOO cute! ' '

Zak burst out laughing, the demon becoming red.

' ' Stop! ' '

' ' Am not! ' '

' ' Stop It- ' '

Zak stopped when he heard a loud thud next to him. He looked over to see the demon laying on his back, eyes closed tightly, nose scrunched up as he groaned in pain. Zak widened his eyes, crawling over to the demon. He stopped next to the demon's head, looking down at him with worry. The boy leaned over Good, coming close to examine him for injuries. His eyes scanned the demon, seeing the annoyance and pain shown in his expression.

-POV switch to 3rd Person Cat Demon POV-

Good felt a sharp pain shoot through his body as he landed on the hard ground. He didn't know grass could be so much like concrete but it was. Fuck you mother nature.

Good was hesitant to open his eyes, the pain making him want to keep them shut. He tensed up when he heard soft breathe above him. He slowly opened his eyes, seeing the raven haired boy's face just a few inches from his. He felt his face heat up, his eyes wide.

He pushed himself up, Zak moving out of the way as he did. He turned to look at the boy, face completely red. Zak had a confused expression as he stared at the demon.

' ' What the hell was that?! ' ' He yelled at the boy.

' ' What do you mean? I was just making sure you were okay? ' ' Zak answered, tilting his head. ' ' Wait- ' '

' ' . . . ' '

' ' You didn't think that- ' '

' ' . . . ' '

' ' I- ' '

' ' . . . ' '

' ' Did you seriously think that?? ' '

' ' . . . ' '

' ' Why does everything become romantic with you??? ' '

' ' i dunno ' '

Zak groaned, burying his face in his hands. Good sat there, turning to look away from Zak. The boy went to say something to the demon before he heard a voice behind him.

' ' Hey Jef! ' '

Zak turned to see Spifey running towards him, the rest of the group following close behind. He smiled, turning his head to talk to Good, but he was gone. His smile turned to a frown as he stared at the spot where the demon had been. He turned back to see Spifey sitting down across from him. Zelk came and sat at Spifey's side, Finn sitting a bit away. TapL smiled as he sat next to Finn, Vurb laying down next to them.

A smaller male was hiding behind Zelk. Zak remembered him as being Zelk's younger brother that everyone called 'Tiny'. He always wore a scarf covering his mouth, and held a small teddy bear in his arms. Zak tried to talk to the kid sometimes, but he was always too shy to do anything but stay near Zelk. The only person he ever interacted with

' ' Sorry we're late ' ' Zelk apologized with an awkward smile. ' ' But you won't BELIEVE what happened ' '

' ' It was crazy! so we were walking down the hall when- ' ' Vurb started excitedly, being stopped by Zelk hitting him on the back of the head. Vurb let out a small 'Ow'.

' ' I tell the stories ' ' Zelk narrowed his eyes at Vurb. Vurb nodded with a small, dramatic sigh.

' ' So we were walking down the hall when we saw something terrible ' 'Zelk turned to look at Zak, a large smile now on his face.

' ' It was the bitch who pushed Finn into the fountain! ' '

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